Amano Cincinnati, Inc

Roseland, NJ 07068


About Amano Cincinnati, Inc


140 Harrison Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068

More Info on Amano Cincinnati, Inc

Amano designs and manufactures a complete range of access control systems,to meet the needs of any size of client and installation requirements, from the AXP-100 single door system , to the Amano AXP200 proximity solution that is ideally suited for 2-16 doors and accommodates up to 2,000 tag holders at a single location, up to the Amano AXP-400 enterprise solution which delivers control of up to 4,000 doors and 160,000 tag holders per site (supports multiple sites with a central database).When combined with Amano's powerful AmanoNet software our access control solutions deliver the following benefits:Flexible Report Wizard,Integrated Digital Video Recording, Third Party Support and Powerful Integration Capabilities - for peripheral solutions including CCTV integration

Products and Press Releases

Amano Cincinn 10217835
Reader Units

Multi-Discipline Reader (MDR)

Oct. 6, 2010
The Time and Security Division of Amano Cincinnati Inc. recently released its advanced Multi-Discipline Reader (MDR) for physical access control. The 125 kHz Prox and ISO 14443...
Nexuslite 10217567
Access Control Software & Management Systems

Nexus Lite

July 21, 2010
Nexus Lite, the latest state-of-the-art 3rd generation physical access control system from Amano Cincinnati, is a full-featured access control system designed to provide residential...
Multimodewiegandreaders 10216694
Reader Units

Multi-Mode Wiegand Readers

Oct. 22, 2009
Amano Security Systems Inc. has released new Multi-Mode Wiegand Readers. The new models offer multi-mode configuration, making them compatible with most industry standard 125 ...

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