STOPware Inc

San Jose, CA 95112


About STOPware Inc


1710 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 367-0220
(888) 880-7627

More Info on STOPware Inc

Provides visitor badging and lobby security software, from standalone to server-based editions, including an Intranet program that allows pre-registration of visitors and groups through a Web browser. Features include a look out list customizable badge fo

Products and Press Releases

(Image courtesy STOPware)
STOPware is demonstrating the advanced functionality of its PassagePoint Global and PassagePoint EDU Visitor Management Software solutions at ISC West 2016.
Badging & Visitor Management Systems and Software

PassagePoint EDU from STOPware

Nov. 22, 2016
School-targeted visitor badging and management
DT Research full screen 56c76a8fc876e
Identification Solutions

STOPware's PassagePoint Visitor Tablet Solution

April 6, 2016
Fully functional mobile visitor solution delivers convenience, effectiveness and cost savings
(Image courtesy STOPware)
STOPware is demonstrating the advanced functionality of its PassagePoint Global and PassagePoint EDU Visitor Management Software solutions at ISC West 2016.
Access & Identity

STOPware demonstrates advanced PassagePoint Visitor Management capabilities and new technology integrations at ISC West

April 6, 2016
Innovative visitor management software delivers functionality to meet the specific security needs of customers in a variety of industries
(Image courtesy STOPware)
STOPware has announced several new technology integrations for its PassagePoint Visitor Management Software.
Access & Identity

STOPware enhances visitor management capabilities with new technology integrations

March 21, 2016
Innovative PassagePoint software delivers functionality to meet needs across multiple industries
Passage Point Pre Entry Attestation
Badging & Visitor Management Systems and Software

PassagePoint Global Visitor Management System from STOPware

Feb. 18, 2014
Now with Contactless Pre-Entry Attestation for Employees & Visitors

Articles & News

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Access Control

STE Security Innovation Awards Gold Medal: Security Stands Tall in Oklahoma City

Dec. 10, 2012
Jeff Fields and Kent Chrisman have helped make sure that the iconic Devon Tower serves as a monument to security innovation
Photo courtesy Devon Energy Corp.
Devon Tower, World headquarters for Devon Energy, is the tallest building in Oklahoma and 20th largest in the United States. The 1.8 million square-foot glass tower provides multi-functional space to more than 3,000 employees, consultants, and contractors.

STE announces 2012 Security Innovation Awards finalists

Oct. 31, 2012
Four projects took unique approaches to complex security, safety and networking challenges

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All content from STOPware Inc

Access Control

STOPware changes ownership

Jan. 8, 2014
Brady Corporation divests company back to its original owner and founder