AAA-Stormin Protection Products Inc

St. Petersburg, FL 33704


About AAA-Stormin Protection Products Inc


243 21st Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33704

More Info on AAA-Stormin Protection Products Inc

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Power Quality Expert dealing with Lightning and surge suppression for Fire Alarm, Burglar ALarm, CCTV, Gate Access and Card Access Systems. In-line series, hybrid three stage, and four stage protection including phone line fiber optics.

Products and Press Releases

Preemptive Power
Power Systems & Supplies

Preemptive Power

March 10, 2011
This is a new PLC device to be added on back up generators. When it senses lightning, Hurricanes, Earth Quakes, Icing, high winds, or other abnormal conditions, it causes the ...
Cctvpt Zpower
Video Surveillance

Combo PTZ, Power & coax BNC protection for CCTV

March 10, 2011
CCTV BNC C/V + PTZ & Power...very compact, and has all the protection a CCTV camera needs for PTZ, for power and for coax protection. Easy to mount inside or outside the building...
Wigand Surge Suppressor
Access Control

Ddual3WDTB/G5V DC Wigand Surge suppressor

March 10, 2011
Ddual3WDTB/G5V DC Wigand surge suppression is very unique in the surge suppression world but the need is not so unique in the access control and gate access industry.
Fa30 Vb
Access Control

DDual2WDTB/G 12-24V Power

March 10, 2011
This unit is used mostly for the power protection on the Tel-entry and for the power requirment on the main mother board of Gate Access and Access control. This product is very...
Fa30 Vb
Access Control

DDual2WDTB/G16V for Data loops on Gates & access control

March 10, 2011
DDual2WDTB/G 16V data loop on Gate access or Access control. This is a three stage surge suppression solution.
Physical Hardening

DDual2WDTB/G 12V NR for Gate Access closed loop circuits

March 10, 2011
DDual2WDTB/G12V NR surge suppression is rated as high as 16V operationally. This unique design is centered around the actual use of the device plus the maintenance friendly approach...
Video Surveillance

CCTV BNC C/V - 16 BNC Surge Suppression

March 9, 2011
Coax BNC surge suppression primarily for DVR's. This unit as depicted, covers all 16 ports, but you can request a smaller unit like line items 2-4.
Autodialersburglar Alarms
Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

RJ31X Three Stage protection & Single outlet protector

March 9, 2011
RJ31XDSL/Surge Suppression plus a BX-V010 combo units is perfect for a burglar alarm or burg/fire alarm system with plug in AC power. The RJ31X surge suppression was orginally...
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Fire & Life Safety

Fiber Optic phone line Isolator

March 9, 2011
Noisy phone lines, lighting on phone line issues, or to maintain the integrity of a fiber optic designed security systems that need remote monitoring. This unit is not made for...

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All content from AAA-Stormin Protection Products Inc

Power Guard Bx V010 Picture
Video Surveillance

BX-V010 single outlet Power Protector

March 9, 2011
If the voltage drops, current gets too high, or the voltage gets too high, it cuts off the power to your 40 watt transformer and prevents the thermal fuse from blowing out.
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Access Control

Spike Block

March 9, 2011
Best used on Fire alarm panels, Gate/Access controls and CCTV equipment. This is a ground filter, UL listed and prevents a feed back loop or ground strikes that causes false alarms...
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Power Systems & Supplies

Rack mount UPS

March 9, 2011
These units can also handle back up Generators startups.
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Video Surveillance

CCTV Isolator Plates

March 9, 2011
These isolator plates will eliminate the grounding differential, and lightning blow out issues because of physical ground.
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Video Surveillance

CCTV coax Surge Suppression

March 9, 2011
Coax BNC surge suppression that provides no feed back up case ground.
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Fire & Life Safety

FA 30BH for Bells/Horns & NAC

March 9, 2011
Heavy current on a 24V loop line for NAC and horns. Surge Suppression
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Fire & Life Safety

FA 30VB for Class B, SLC and Data loops

March 9, 2011
Class B, (2units for Class A), Data, and SLC loops approved for FCI E-3 system, will not allow false alarms, very advanced low voltage surge suppressor.
Fire & Life Safety


March 9, 2011
Very Special Surge suppression with a Brain.
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Access Control


March 9, 2011
In line series three stage two tank circtuit designed surge suppression. Used on Fire alarms, Gate/Access control