SunWize Technologies Inc.

Kingston, NY 12401


About SunWize Technologies Inc.


1155 Flatbush Road
Kingston, NY 12401

More Info on SunWize Technologies Inc.

Provider of value added solar and battery back up power solutions products.

Products and Press Releases

Sunwize Po On Light Pole 10897082
Power Systems & Supplies

Solar Power Sources

March 17, 2013
SunWize Systems features power supplies for security technology. The products produce continuous power at all times - no matter where security equipment is located. The supplier...

Videos & Resources

Sunwize Pdf Image

When Does A Solar Electric System Make Sense for Remote Power?

March 11, 2013
Solar electric power is a valuable technology that provides continuous, reliable and cost-effective power when used in proper applications in remote locations with no access to...

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