Aware Digital Inc.

Miramar, FL 33025


About Aware Digital Inc.


3991 Commerce Pkwy
Miramar, FL 33025
United States
(305) 373-0047
(305) 675-0581

More Info on Aware Digital Inc.

About Aware Digital, Inc. 

Aware Digital is a leading provider of IP based video surveillance systems and networks to municipal, state and federal customers as well as customers in the retail and gaming segments.  Using the most advanced technologies, partnerships and industry knowledge, Aware Digital is your partner of choice for cutting edge integrated solutions, meeting and exceeding the most stringent technical specifications.   From projects ranging in size from major political conventions and stadiums, to casinos and law enforcement, Aware Digital offers high-end services, cost effective solutions, and complex deployment/designs. For further information on Aware Digital, visit

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