Mission Critical Partners (MCP) is a leading provider of data integration, consulting, network, and cybersecurity solutionsspecializing in transforming mission-critical communications networks into integrated ecosystems that improve outcomes in the public safety, justice, healthcare, transportation, and utility markets. Our comprehensive experience and vendor-agnostic approach helps us develop modernized solutions for our clients to maximize value and create optimal efficiency while mitigating risk. Additional information and career opportunities are available at www.MissionCriticalPartners.com
MCP has been hired by the Salt Lake Valley Emergency Communications Center to assess its compliance with a state law limiting emergency call transfers to 2% of annual call volume...
The virtual event was attended by officials from across the country to brainstorm new and better ways of improving the work environment for 911 telecommunicators and supervisors...
NG911 systems generate tremendous amounts of data compared with legacy 911 systems, enhancing situational awareness that enables emergency responders to do their jobs more effectively...
The SMEs also will support the potential development of requests for proposals for potential technology replacements and upgrades, and the eventual implementation of statewide...
The project aims to replace aging systems — all three are at least 15-20 years old — with modern, advanced systems that deliver increased capabilities and streamline processes...
The planned justice technology upgrades will reduce cumbersome, repetitive data entry and paperwork, freeing professionals to pursue their true missions: public safety and public...
As part of this project, MCP will provide ongoing assistance regarding next-generation core services (NGCS), geographic information system (GIS) integration, and specialized training...
MCP will provide guidance over the next year regarding the most effective and efficient path toward implementing a modern, innovative NG911 system from technical, operational,...
MCP will continue to support the project through 2023, primarily helping radio technicians improve their processes and better understand the intricacies and nuances of P25 systems...
The award recognizes 911 industry professionals for their leadership, professionalism, initiative, creativity and diligence in solving critical 911 issues.
The task force was created to develop a governance structure, sustainable financial model, and technical requirements to stimulate the implementation of interoperable NG911 systems...
The new system will improve coverage, capacity, reliability, and interoperability to enhance emergency communications for field responders, helping them perform better and more...