FM Systems, Inc.

Santa Ana, CA 92707-5710


About FM Systems, Inc.


3877 South Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92707-5710
(714) 979-3355
(800) 235-6960

More Info on FM Systems, Inc.

Fms Logo 275x98

Manufactures video and audio communications and test equipment. Provides CCTV products for audio and video improvement.

Products and Press Releases

Ipm 4front D84od84jv0kjm Cuf
Installation Tools & Equipment

IPM-4 IP Video Test Meter

Dec. 7, 2018
Solution used to measure the signal quality of an IP video network
Ipmt 3stamp 034zcntqlyl66 Cuf
Installation Tools & Equipment

FM Systems’ IPMT-3 Video Margin Tester

Dec. 7, 2018
Solution used to test IP video systems to ensure adequate digital signal margin
4 Runner D6ctbdw Lfnrm Cuf
Installation Tools & Equipment

FM Systems’ POET-1 PoE Test Port

Dec. 7, 2018
Tool gives users access to the PoE voltage in an IP video system
Cg 1a 09vtkksqepzts Cuf
Networking Equipment and Cabling

FM Systems' CG-1 Camera Guard

Dec. 7, 2018
System supervises the signal continuity of a video signal from CCTV cameras or any video source
Ip4x4small Eb Duydnszkvm Cuf
Networking Equipment and Cabling

IP4x4 Remote Control Over IP Video

Dec. 7, 2018
System puts two way contact relay controls onto any IP video cable without affecting the IP video
Ipx 24 8box0k Xbhaae Cuf
Networking Equipment

FM Systems’ IPX-24 IP Video Relay Switch

Dec. 7, 2018
Unit can be used to engage a secondary network source or to switch on or off an IP camera using an external switch or remote relay
Vsa 10stamp 0edfuyilq6lma Cuf
Networking Equipment and Cabling

FM Systems' VSA-10 Video Screen Alert

Dec. 7, 2018
Solution enables users to superimpose programmable alert messages onto any video image
Avm38x75 10227102
Installation Tools & Equipment

AVM Audio Volume Meter

July 21, 2011
The AVM digital Audio Volume Meter is a true-RMS program audio volume meter with high impedance (bridging) input that is calibrated in dBm for 600 ohm balanced or unbalanced lines...
Cm1utp56x75 10227124
Video Surveillance

CM-1UTP UTP Wire Adaptor

July 21, 2011
The CM-1 UTP is an adaptor that is used with the CM-1 and CM-2 CAMERA MASTER meters to measure the video levels on twisted pair wire installations.
Gb60utp75x50 10227127
Video Surveillance

GB60-UTP Ground Loop Blocker

July 21, 2011
This product blocks and removes the most common problems in Unshielded Twisted Pair wire CCTV video installations. The GB60-UTP also restores the picture quality before it goes...

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All content from FM Systems, Inc.

Dcb175x38 10227130
Video Surveillance

DCB-1 DC Blocker

July 21, 2011
The DCB-1 is a filter used to remove DC from a video signal. This allows Video to be removed from a coaxial cable sharing video and DC Power. This unit is an in-line filter that...
Atu275x46 10227131
Access Control

ATU-2 Alarm Contacts

July 21, 2011
These devices transmit and receive alarm and control contact closures encoded on a video signal in coaxial cable, twisted pair wire, or microwave.
Cct175x48 10227132
Video Surveillance

CCT-1 Camera Com Add-on Audio system

July 21, 2011
Camera-Com is an add-on audio surveillance system used to enhance the security of any CCTV video installation. The addition of audio dramatically improves the response time of...
Ipg475x54 10227138
Video Surveillance

IPG-4 IP Camera Guard Data Loss Detector

July 21, 2011
The IPG-4 monitors the communication path of four separate IP camera data signals. This supervisory system will identify the loss of any video data signal due to removal of the...
Vpm475x45 10227145
Video Surveillance

VPE-4 Video Privacy Mask 4 Zone Blocking

July 21, 2011
This unit produces four user defined masking zones on any video channel to create areas of privacy on the video image. The zone is blocked so that operators are unable to see ...
Dlt175x46 10227147
Video Surveillance

DLT-1 PTZ Data Transmission over Coax

July 21, 2011
This product provides an RS422 PTZ Data Link on any coaxial cable or UTP twisted pair wire video path. Use it to add (PTZ) Pan Tilt Zoom control to any existing video camera without...
Vtg75x42 10227148
Video Surveillance

VTG Video Timing Generator for Line-Lock

July 21, 2011
The VTG Video Timing Generator provides up to ten video sync signals with which to synchronize CCTV cameras in the field.
Vtm39x75 10227150
Video Surveillance

VTM Video Meter for Line-Locking Camera's

July 21, 2011
The VTM Video Timing Meter is used to bring CCTV cameras into synchronism so that monitors and/or recorders can be switched among cameras without causing "rolling" of the picture...
Vltg80075x68 10227151
Video Surveillance

VLTG-800 Video Line Test Generator

July 21, 2011
The VLTG-800 Video Line Test Generator creates a standard NTSC video signal that can be observed on a Monitor to display a series of vertical lines that defines the maximum number...