Fargo Electronics, Inc., a global leader in secure technologies for card identity systems, today introduced Print Security Suite, the first product under the umbrella of its new SecureMark technology. SecureMark is a technology platform designed to help reduce an organization's security vulnerabilities by safeguarding the issuance of their identity cards.
"When you consider the potential loss of time, money and even lives that are possible by the issuance of a single false credential, you can see it's critical to protect the issuance of a card as well as to provide a secure card itself," said Gary Holland, Fargo's President and CEO.
"Organizations worldwide are facing unprecedented security threats from both internal and external sources. And most organizations are taking measures to improve their security. But an area of vulnerability is the threat of someone creating false credentials within a legitimate card identity program. Fargo's Print Security Suite is evidence of our commitment to help organizations reduce that vulnerability. By helping to protect the issuance of the credential, it adds another layer of security to the overall program," continued Holland.
The first of a planned series of security solutions utilizing Fargo's new SecureMark technology is Print Security Suite. This is a group of five user-friendly software applications that help secure, control, monitor and maintain card identity systems.
Print Security Suite is available only from an authorized Fargo SecureMark integrator, who registers the product with Fargo and activates the applications to the exact specifications of the user. For added security, the applications of the Print Security Suite are enabled through ribbons available only through the authorized SecureMark integrators and Fargo.
"By monitoring and controlling the SecureMark-enabled ribbons, we've greatly reduced the risk of fraudulent cards being produced in the case of a stolen or misappropriated printer," said Alan Fontanella, Fargo's head of product marketing for printer media. "Without the specific supplies that are part of the users' secure program, the printer won't operate. This helps ensure the authenticity of the IDs created by a SecureMark printer."
The applications included in the Print Security Suite are:
Password Control: As the first line of defense in this security suite, Password Control offers security managers the ability to set passwords that are required to make the printer/encoder operational. This function reduces both internal and external threats of fraud or misuse by automatically disabling a stolen or illegitimately accessed printer.
Print Notification: This tool allows users to customize the authorized hours of a printer's operation. Unauthorized printing, even if the proper passwords are used, can trigger an instant e-mail or text message notifying the system manager of a print event outside the designated hours.
Security Imaging: Using Fargo's new blue Fluorescing Ribbon, the Security Imaging application adds covert security features such as customized logos and unique numbers to ID cards. While difficult to detect in normal settings, these covert features are viewable under ultraviolet light. The covert number also provides critical forensic data, including the date, time and location a confiscated ID card was printed.
Print Diagnostics: This tool provides a fast and easy way to gather and share printer diagnostic information. It captures printer issues in a reportable format that can be electronically transferred to a service technician for fast, precise answers. By utilizing this application, many technical issues can be handled via phone or email.
Supplies E-Ordering: This function automatically notifies the operator when supplies are running low, and provides a direct link for ordering online from an authorized Fargo integrator.
Print Security Suite is available as an option on Fargo's new DTC400 Card Printer/Encoder. The DTC400 is an easy-to-use single-sided printer/encoder featuring Fargo's proven Direct-to-Card technology.
"By teaming up the DTC400 with the Print Security Suite, you get a card identity system that provides several levels of layered security," said Fontanella. "Its ease-of-use improves organizational efficiency and the security features can reduce organizational vulnerabilities. It's a system that will help enhance security for a broad segment of the market."
About Fargo
Fargo is a global leader in secure technologies for card identity systems. The company manufactures and markets systems that include secure card printer/encoders, materials and software. Fargo helps organizations reduce security vulnerabilities and potential for loss of time, money and lives by continually improving the authenticity of identity credentials. More than 80,000 Fargo systems have been installed in the U.S. and in over 80 other countries through Fargo's global distribution network of professional security integrators.
Personalized ID cards produced by Fargo card identity systems provide physical, information, and transaction security for a wide variety of applications and industries including corporate, national IDs, drivers' licenses, universities, schools, government and membership. The company is headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA, a suburb of Minneapolis. For more information, visit Fargo's Web site at www.fargo.com.