Liberty is a powerful yet very affordable Access Control solution for medium to small applications. It is deployed within a customers IP network or stand-alone. Liberty provides web-based Access Control management for up to 12 doors, includes elevator control and emergency mustering. With over 2GB of storage just for users and card numbers the Nano CUBE is much more powerful than the most advanced access control panel. The Liberty Nano CUBE supports Elevator Control and Emergency Mustering.
Simple to Install and Configure
Liberty is incredibly simple to install, and to configure. Plug the Nano CUBE into a standard wall socket, connect it to a network through a router or switch. The Nano CUBE will obtain an IP address automatically if it is within a network that supports DHCP. If not, the Nano CUBE will revert to a default IP address. Install the Liberty Bridges and associated door hardware and connect them to the network. Once connected, start up the software on any network connected computer by finding “Liberty” on the list of network devices. Then simply click on “Scan” and the bridges will be found. Use the provided Key Fob and Card to check your installation - these are pre-configured to unlock a door. And then, configure the system for the customer’s specific application.
See Liberty Access Contol at the VSI Innovation Zone - Booth 8142.