Biometric Signature ID's BioSig-ID

July 30, 2015
Biosignature ID Verification: Positively ID online users by identifying behavior and gestures that are unique to each individual

Biometric Signature ID has introduced BioSig-ID a new form of online security software that can authentic a user logging into a network with 99.97% accuracy. Instead of using a password or PIN, which can easily be compromised, BioSig-ID uses biometrics, which is defined as something physically or behaviorally unique to an individual.

 It turns out that each person has a unique, measurable way of “drawing” letters and numbers that is extremely difficult to duplicate by others.  This includes attributes such as length, height, width, speed, direction, angle and number of strokes. 

 To set up a new user on any device, the individual simply logs on to the network, draws and creates a unique four alphanumeric character or symbol passcode.  Upon subsequent logins, the biometric patterns of the created passcode are analyzed. Only the registered user is confirmed and is able to freely access their account.  Imposters have no idea “how” the passcode was created, so are stopped at the login step.

 Once a simple set-up process is completed, sophisticated software algorithms compare a user’s current login attempt against the initial patterns collected and subsequent logins to confirm a match.  Using this technique, accuracy rates as high as 99.97% are possible.

 With Biometric Signature ID’s “software only” biometric system the signature reader resides in ultra secure cloud based servers.  All information is assessed and stored in a database using high encryption technology. 

 BioSig-ID  utilizes audit trails based on the stored information to uncover suspicious activity by pinpointing the time, location, (including IP addresses) and history unauthorized users can be determined. 

 “Through continuous and real time forensic checks via neural net technology we can uncover fraudulent activity,” says Jeff Maynard, CEO of BioSig-ID.  “For instance, is the same IP address used for log-in all the time or does it come in every once in a while from offshore?  We use real time alerts for certain targeted events and combine this with comprehensive historical reporting. These alerts are sent in real time to the clients and appropriate further analysis is also conducted.”

 The BioSig-ID system is already installed and currently being utilized by early adopters in diverse industries such as healthcare, education, banking, financial, and even government institutions.

 The company is so confident that “signature” biometrics is the solution, in fact, that it has set up a challenge for those that visit the web site  The company is offering $500 to the first person that can reproduce a simple passcode of the word “Mom.” 

 The company goes so far as to actually show a copy of the passcode (which is usually not available to users or hackers in real life applications therefore giving an added advantage for this trial).  Those that attempt the challenge are given unlimited chances to copy the signature and gain entry to the network.

 Taking it a step further, the company trained over a hundred users to be experts in the system and asked them to spoof 20 different passcodes previously created by other users. After nearly 20,000 attempts even the simplest of passcodes like ‘Mom’ could not be duplicated. These results were reported in independent testing.

 On their website, after many thousands of attempts, no one has yet claimed the $500 prize. 

 To conduct a “test drive” of the BioSig-ID technology, visit

 For more information, contact Biometric Signature ID at 708 Valley Ridge Cr., Suite 8; Lewisville, TX  75057; (877)700-1611 ext 1.

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