Patrick Miller

CEO of the industrial cybersecurity consulting firm Ampyx Cyber

As a trusted independent security and regulatory advisor for over 30 years, Patrick Miller has dedicated his career to protecting and defending critical infrastructures. In addition to being the CEO of the industrial cybersecurity consulting firm Ampyx Cyber, he was one of the original architects and the first regulator of the NERC CIP Standards in North America and a former Principal Investigator for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization. Patrick is an internationally recognized public speaker, an instructor for the Industrial Cybersecurity Center in Spain, the Cyber Information Security Leader (CISL) program in Denmark, and formerly for the SANS Institute in the United States. Mr. Miller's diverse background spans the Energy, Water, Telecommunications, Financial, and Insurance Services verticals, including key positions with regulatory agencies, private consulting firms, utility asset owners, and commercial organizations.