AtlasIED IP-DB commercial-grade doorbell

March 11, 2025
ISC West 2025 Booth 30061: Equipped with a 2MP camera, RFID reader, and magnetic door lock control relays.

The AtlasIED IP-DB is a VoIP commercial-grade doorbell designed for indoor, outdoor, and harsh environments. Equipped with a 2MP camera, RFID reader, and magnetic door lock control relays, it seamlessly integrates into the IPX Unified Communication ecosystem, enhancing AtlasIED’s extensive Security Technology Solutions Family. Paired with the IP- CONSOLE-GH, it enables video and audio communication for secure guest access. Constructed with durable metal, it withstands harsh weather and vandalism, while IR LEDs ensure high-quality performance in low light. Supporting RFID and pin code access, the IP-DB access control is an integral part of the AtlasIED security system, offering reliability, simple and durable design, and easy installation for door security needs.


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