Connected Technologies Mobile Badge

April 29, 2019
Mobile Badge in the Connect One app is used in place of a physical badge and is conveniently accessed from the login screen

Connected Technologies LLC, the maker of the award-winning Connect ONE® cloud-hosted security management platform, has added Mobile Badge to its wide range of value-add features and capabilities included in the turnkey system interface.

Designed for schools, campuses, construction sites, clubhouses or other locations with a changing, fluid population, Mobile Badge puts credentialing identification management on the user’s phone, similar to a traditional physical badge. Mobile Badge can be used to instantly verify active/inactive status via barcode and can also be used to print a temporary visitor’s badge if necessary.

The user’s Mobile Badge consists of the dealer or end-user’s company logo, name, picture, custom information fields (such as student/employee identification number) and a barcode for verification scanning, with an easily recognizable green border indicating an active credential and red border indicating inactive status. Scanning the barcode will instantly show the user's status, permissions and last activity. In the case of a visitor badge, one scan of the barcode and the user’s credentials can be quickly removed after use, saving system management time. Mobile Badge in the Connect One app is used in place of a physical badge and is conveniently accessed from the login screen (if not currently logged in), account window and ScanPass® Mobile Credential screen.

Headquartered in Monument, Colo., Connect ONE is a patented management solution for systems integrations that dealers resell to their customers, growing their monthly recurring revenue. For more information, contact Connected Technologies today at 866.976.3520 or visit

About Connected Technologies LLC*

Connect ONE® and ScanPass® Mobile Credential are products of Connected Technologies, LLC. The patented Connect ONE cloud-hosted interface manages multiple solutions such as security, access control, mobile credential access, video, energy management, critical environmental monitoring and now, GeoView and CheckPoint Tours, with an easy-to-use platform accessible from PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Connect ONE interfaces with the complete line of Bosch Security, DMP, Elk Products and Honeywell Turbo controls and provides an easy path to add managed services. For more information, visit or call 866.976.3520.

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