Videofied - RSI Video Technologies

St. Paul, MN 55110


About Videofied - RSI Video Technologies


1375 Willow Lake Blvd
Suite 103
St. Paul, MN 55110

More Info on Videofied - RSI Video Technologies

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Manufacturers video verified alarm systems for Priority Response from police.  Wireless MotionViewers with camera/PIR detect intrusion and send alarm and video clip of what cuased it to the central station for immediate review and dispatch.  Videofied has a range of video alarm solutions for indoor residential and commercial applications.  Videofied is a leader in outdoor wireless battery powered video alarms that operate for years in harsh environments protecting remote assets from copper theft.

Products and Press Releases

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Residential Technologies

RSI DragonFly System

May 19, 2016
The RSI Dragonfly Security System is a self-installed but professionally monitored security system – essentially a DIY business-in-a-box for the alarm dealer. Self-installed indoor...
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Sensors & Detectors - Combination Sensors

OMV601 Outdoor MotionViewer Detector

Oct. 23, 2015
Battery-powered PIR motion sensor with an integrated video camera and infrared illuminators

Articles & News

Photo: Sonitrol
Impact-activated audio detection solutions are one of the primary ways for central stations to verify a crime in progress.
Sensors & Detectors - Audio-based

Best Practices for Audio Alarm Verification

Oct. 14, 2015
PPVAR unveils new guideline for central stations
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Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

The Case for Video Verification

Jan. 15, 2015
Traditional alarm dealers are under attack, and selling video-verified alarm systems exclusively may be the best defense

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All content from Videofied - RSI Video Technologies

(Photo courtesy stock.xchng/contrapart)
The alarm industry needs to continue to educate users about the value of central station video monitoring.
Photo courtesy Response Center USA
Attendees get up to speed on the importance of priority response and verified video alarms.
Video Surveillance

Video alarms deliver solid arrest rates

Oct. 12, 2012
Technology helps take criminals off the streets