Roseville, Minn. – October 6, 2008 - Sequel Technologies, a designer and manufacturer of security systems is shipping the Wireless Expansion Module (WSX) and wireless door/window, PIR, and smoke sensors and 5-button keyfob. The WSX allows security dealers to add up to 24 wireless sensors to a standard hardwire alarm panel regardless of manufacture.
"This is unique in the industry and offers the dealer a great dealer of flexibility in installation," said Sequel president Duane Paulson. The product is compatible with Sequel’s line of wireless security sensors and is also can receive signals from select wireless sensors from GE and Honeywell. The WSX also allows the dealer to program any of the 24 wireless sensors to any of the eight outputs. For example, all perimeter sensors could be programmed into one output and interior sensors to another.
A unique feature of the WSX is the onboard LCD display making installation dealer friendly and troubleshooting easy. Rather than having to decipher the meaning of LEDs the English-language readout gives the dealer a clear programming path and status messages such as ZONE 5 OPEN, LOW BATTERY, etc.
"The product is very versatile and can be used as a low-cost automation trigger by itself," said Paulson. The eight WSX outputs can be used to trip virtually any third party device such as gates, automation systems, and lighting systems, almost anything that can be activated by an output. Each output can be programmed for N/C or N/O relays.
The combination of the WSX and the Sequel keyfob creates a very powerful output tool. Each of the keyfobs five buttons can be programmed to trip different outputs and any of the buttons can be programmed with a momentary from 0 to 255 seconds. For example, one button could be programmed to toggle a light on and off while another button programmed with a 60 second momentary to open a gate and have it automatically close after one minute.