Parabit Human Presence Detection (HPD)

March 10, 2025
ISC West 2025 Booth 25124: Uses high-frequency radar sensors to detect human presence in public spaces and self-service enviornments.

Parabit’s Human Presence Detection (HPD) enhances security and efficiency within public spaces, restrooms, extended care facilities, and self-service environments with financial transaction equipment (Payment Kiosks/ATM’s/ITM’s/Night Drops). Using high-frequency radar sensors, our HPD detects human presence with millimeter accuracy, sensing breathing micro-movements. Integrated with access control, cameras, alarms, and facility monitoring, the HPD enables real-time detection of presence, loitering, usage patterns, and unavailable equipment/fixtures within monitored areas. Whether securing a small or large space, the HPD delivers reliable detection. Visit Parabit to discover how our HPD optimizes supervision and security while ensuring a seamless staff and visitor experience.

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