
Atlanta, GA 30339


About Centegix

CENTEGIX is the leader in incident response solutions and a provider of safety tools for planning, prevention, and response.


2120 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30339

More Info on Centegix

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CENTEGIX is the leader in incident response solutions and a provider of safety tools for planning, prevention, and response. CrisisAlert™ is the fastest and easiest way for staff to get help in any emergency, from the everyday to the extreme. Safety Blueprint™ is the first dynamic digital mapping solution that optimizes safety planning. Enhanced Visitor Management is the only visitor management solution that provides real-time and historical visitor locating capabilities. CENTEGIX creates safer spaces with innovative technology to empower and protect people. Leaders nationwide trust our solutions to provide confidence and support to employees in over 11,000 locations. For more information on CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint, visit www.centegix.com/safety-blueprint/.

Products and Press Releases

CENTEGIX and SaferWatch partner to accelerate emergency response
Panic Buttons

CENTEGIX and SaferWatch partner to accelerate emergency response

Jan. 22, 2025
With the integration of CENTEGIX and SaferWatch, staff can initiate a campus-wide alert using the CrisisAlert wearable panic button.
School Security

CENTEGIX Safety Platform

Nov. 20, 2023
Cloud-based solution intergates company's campus safety and security equipment
Centegix Supporters Of The Alyssa Act
Alarms & Monitoring

CENTEGIX applauds introduction of ALYSSA Act mandating silent panic alarms in U.S. schools

July 31, 2023
The legislation will require public schools across America to provide all classrooms with silent panic alarm technology.
Dashboard Mock Up (1)
Emergency Management Software

Safety Blueprint from Centegix

May 17, 2023
Dynamic Digital Mapping Solution Optimizes Safety Planning and Incident Response for campuses

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