Omnilert Engage Mass Enagement Solution

May 21, 2021
Allows a large audience to be easily subdivided into groups, which can be contacted and queried independently as to their specific needs

Omnilert, the innovation leader and most trusted partner in emergency communications, announced the launch of Omnilert Engage, a unique solution providing safety teams the ability to perform “mass engagement.”

People find themselves in varying situations during an emergency, which requires specific instructions to best guide each individual to safety. Similarly, those individuals can provide intelligence on the dynamically unfolding situation, but it is extremely difficult to open a dialog and manage information with a large group of people under duress. Mass engagement allows a large audience to be easily subdivided into groups, which can be contacted and queried independently as to their specific needs and observations. The Omnilert Engage approach allows such rich interaction across a large group to be executed even with a small safety team.

Omnilert Engage allows mass engagement through group triage, the ability to repeatedly subdivide people into manageable groups, and dynamic messaging, whereby each group can be individually messaged with the information or queries most relevant to them. Engage offers location-based selection and messaging, so groups can be handled differently based on their whereabouts and associated threats. Engage includes Omnilert’s award-winning “Instant App,” which enables this functionality to be available to users without requiring them to download or install anything.

“Traditional emergency systems are limited to one-way broadcast or a two-way function that forces organizations into 1:1 communications, which clearly does not work in real-life situations with thousands of people,” said Dave Fraser, Omnilert’s CEO. “Engage’s mass engagement functionality allows even a small team to have rich interaction with audiences of any size by breaking them into smaller targeted groups.”

Given the dynamic nature of emergencies, Engage provides administrators with a dashboard to visualize and map responses in real-time. People who respond late to administrative messages and queries are automatically “caught up” by prompts to respond, assignments to the appropriate groups, and being sent the most relevant communications.

Engage is the latest addition to the company’s growing product portfolio. With the industry’s broadest array of emergency communication solutions, Omnilert goes beyond notification and into prevention, engagement with the user community, and management of critical incidents.

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