Smoke Detector Damage Stopper from STI

March 23, 2021
Ideal for open-area smoke imaging detection, smoke detectors in remote locations

March 9, 2021 – Make this the last time you need to replace or repair an expensive damaged smoke detector. STI is pleased to announce their highly durable Smoke Detector Damage Stopper® offers excellent protection for open-area smoke imaging detectors against vandalism and accidental damage.

Constructed of tough, 9-gauge steel wire coated with corrosion resistant polyester, the wire guard helps reduce maintenance costs. The cage is recommended for areas where abuse is severe or it is imperative devices continue to operate for the safety of building occupants.

Ideal for open-area smoke imaging detection, smoke detectors in remote locations, unsupervised areas and more, the guard helps decrease maintenance costs, reduces time spent replacing broken or stolen units, waiting for parts to arrive, etc. Flush and surface mount versions available.

An array of wire guards are available to help protect motion detectors, speakers/strobes, lights, clocks/bells, audio speakers, exit signs, and much more.

To order or for more sales information on the STI Smoke Detector Damage Stopper or the entire Stopper® Line, call 248-673-9898, fax 248-673-1246, email [email protected] or visit STI’s address is: 2306 Airport Road, Waterford, MI 48327-1209.

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