NetTalon, Inc, with the assistance and cooperation of the State of Louisiana and the City of Baton Rouge, conducted a demonstration of its police and fire Virtual Command Technology. NetTalon is introducing an unparalleled ability to provide virtual, visual validation to police and fire departments within seconds of a developing emergency. Time is crucial in a fire or security incident, aided by NetTalon’s Virtual Command Technology, fire and police responders will reach the fire or intrusion emergency with their incident planning and preparation well in progress enabling units to respond immediately on arrival at the scene.
Virtual Command Technology can be of enormous significance to the future security of states and cities. Two weeks of vigorous testing have been witnessed by the State of Louisiana and the City of Baton Rouge including the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, the Attorney General’s office, the Insurance Commissioner, the State Facilities Department and other local and state officials.
The live security and fire demonstration was conducted at the A. Z. Young office building in downtown Baton Rouge. The Baton Rouge Special Response Team and the Baton Rouge B Shift took part in live emergency response exercises, and attendees viewed the operations in real time from the Baton Rouge Welcome Center using Virtual Command Technology.
Attendees observed a security incident that involved a simulated nighttime break-in by an individual that plans an arson action. The incident was responded to by the Baton Rouge Special Response Team. Responding units tracked the perpetrator from the cruisers with a tactical backup from police department operations as well as police dispatch. Attendees monitored the tactical radio net during the incident and watched the police make the arrest.
While the perpetrator is in the building he lit a fire that was slow to start and put the building in alarm after the police left the scene with the perpetrator in custody. The building went into fire alarm with B Shift Baton Rouge Fire Department responding to the developing fire. B Shift was dispatched to the developing fire observing the fire location and behavior from their Tough notebooks. People working late in the building unaware of the incident were trapped by the fire and found safety in a refuge room. From their cell phones they notified the department of their presence. The attendees monitored the tactical net during the operations.