IFSEC International 2020 show canceled

June 23, 2020
Event was originally rescheduled for September; next event to be held in May 2021
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Informa Markets, in consultation with its exhibitors and event partners, has cancelled the IFSEC International and its co-located shows, which include Counter Terror Expo, Forensics Europe Expo and World Counter Terror Congress (Organized by Clarion Events), FIREX International, Safety & Health Expo, Facilities Show, Intelligent Building Europe and the Workplace Wellbeing Show. 

Originally rescheduled to take place on Sept. 8-10, the events are now postponed until May 18-20, 2021 at ExCeL London.

"After much deliberation, we are sure that this is absolutely the right thing to do in the circumstances," Chris Edwards, Group Director for IFSEC International said in a statement. "Our focus over the last three months has been on ensuring that we can provide a safe and secure environment for our visitors, exhibitors and staff, and whilst we felt confident of achieving this, we also have a duty to our customers to provide an event that matches the standards they expect of us. Additionally, these events have strong international participation and this would be severely compromised given the current restrictions." 

Chris Edwards added: “As each of our communities look to rebuild and recover in 2021 our team will also be working hard to ensure we return next year with an event that brings people back together for the reunion everyone will be crying out for. Details on how our events will continue to evolve and develop for next year will be forthcoming over the summer.”

Visit https://www.ifsecglobal.com for more details. 

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Editorial and news reports authored by the media team from Cygnus Security Media, including SecurityInfoWatch.com, Security Technology Executive magazine and Security Dealer & Integrator (SD&I) magazine.