Method for Common Authentication and Authorization across Disparate Networks

Nov. 5, 2004

Pub. Number EP 1465385 Appl. Data EP 04250918 2004 02 20
Inventor(s) Benenati, David
Feder, Peretz Moshes
Lee, Nancy Yushan
Martin-Leon, Silvia
Shapira, Reuven

Title: Method for common authentication and authorization across disparate networks

Abstract: Common authentication and authorization (AA) between networks having disparate access technologies may enable a seamless user transition between the networks. A set of AA credentials from a user attempting to gain access to one of the networks may be received, and a subscriber database of another of the networks may be used to verify the set of AA credentials. A communication protocol common to the networks may be used. Additionally, the user may employ a single set of authentication and authorization (AA) credentials, usable over multiple communication protocol layers. Further, a user may perform a single authentication and authorization (AA) operation when roaming across two or more networks by gathering user's key material during an AA challenge and reply session at a data link layer. The gathered material may be used for an AA challenge at an upper network layer or another network as the user transitions between networks.