Survey: Cost cutting measures impacting IT security
According to a new survey conducted by Tufin Technologies, a provider of IT security policy management solutions, some companies are not spending adequately on IT security.
The survey, which was conducted at the InfoSecurity Europe tradeshow earlier this year and featured responses from IT security professional at 119 organizations, found that 48 percent of respondents believe cost saving efforts at their firms were coming at the expense of IT security.
Additionally, 27 percent of those surveyed believed that their IT security budget is being spent on compliance issues that don’t improve security.
"These findings are of great concern for security professionals, as they show that the effects of the current economic environment are starting to reshape the way that IT security is deployed within organizations -- and not always for the better," said Shaul Efraim, Tufin's vice president of marketing and business development in a statement. "From an audit and governance perspective, this is potentially bad news, as it means that much needed improvements to business and management processes are being subverted by financial cuts. This cannot be good for any organization over time."
Click here to read the entire press release.
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