G2 and SecurityScorecard announce partnership at Black Hat 2024

Aug. 5, 2024
Through this partnership, SecurityScorecard cybersecurity ratings will be featured directly in G2 product profiles.

BLACK HAT 2024 – G2 has teamed up with SecurityScorecard. Through this partnership, SecurityScorecard cybersecurity ratings will be featured directly in G2 product profiles – providing B2B software buyers with a simple A-F letter grade measuring a vendor’s security posture.

According to the 2024 G2 Buyer Behavior Report, 81% of software buyers said they consider a vendor’s history with breaches or security incidents when evaluating software solutions. This G2 partnership was developed to improve cyber risk management and also make security a key decision factor right from the start.

Dr. Chase Cunningham, VP of Security Market Research at G2, said, “We know security is important to our buyers. With SecurityScorecard, we are equipping B2B buyers with the powerful insights they need to make informed, secure software decisions. Together, we will continue to partner and set a new standard for cybersecurity transparency and trust.”

Unmatched breach prediction

SecurityScorecard’s breach prediction is powered by advanced AI capabilities and data from 15,000 historical breaches. An “F grade” means a company is 14 times more likely to experience a breach. SecurityScorecard also offers innovative tools such as Score Planner and Action Plans, which guide companies on how to improve their cybersecurity. SecurityScorecard is designed to help organizations systematically enhance their cybersecurity, and ultimately secure the entire digital ecosystem.

Sachin Bansal, President of SecurityScorecard, added, “Our partnership with G2 marks a significant step towards making cybersecurity a core component of software purchasing decisions. By providing transparent, actionable security ratings, SecurityScorecard enables G2’s software buyers to make more informed choices, now also based on the security of that vendor."

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