Recruiting Roadmap: Job Hunting at GSX

Sept. 13, 2024
With a strategic plan and discreet approach, you can turn GSX into a pivotal career moment

This article originally appeared in the September 2024 issue of Security Business magazine. Don’t forget to mention Security Business magazine on LinkedIn and @SecBusinessMag on Twitter if you share it.

As a headhunter in the physical security industry, I have witnessed how trade shows like GSX can become a turning point in a professional’s career. So much hiring takes place right after the trade show and companies leave those shows flooded with business leads and tons of homework to follow up on.

If you are considering a new job or career move, GSX is the perfect stage for job hunting. The show allows job seekers to meet face-to-face with decision-makers who are otherwise hard to reach, as well as the chance to interact with companies directly – a unique opportunity to understand their culture, values, and potential job openings.

The sessions and workshops at GSX give job seekers a chance to enhance their skills to become more desirable candidates. These sessions are also great vehicles for networking.

How to Job Hunt Discreetly

As a job seeker, consider how much time, effort, and money goes into these trade shows. Many company leaders are there to meet with prospects and customers, and hiring is not their first priority. That means discretion and focusing on making a good first impression is vital.

Hiring may not be an executive’s first priority at GSX, which means discretion and making a good first impression is vital.

With a strategic plan and discreet approach, you can turn GSX into a pivotal career moment. Remember, preparation and execution are crucial. Keeping in mind that post-show follow-up more specific to your job search is essential, here are eight tips to discreetly exploring new opportunities on the GSX show floor:

1. Prepare in advance. Before attending GSX, research companies you might be interested in. Understand their needs and challenges, and try to get a sense of the backgrounds and types of candidates they hire. This will help you tailor your approach when meeting their representatives.

2. Dress professionally. First impressions matter. Dress in a way that reflects your professionalism and the role you aspire to.

3. Network strategically. Attend sessions and workshops that attract the companies and professionals you want to meet. Introduce yourself, engage in discussions, and show genuine interest in others. Building relationships is crucial to job hunting.

4. Intentionally visit certain booths. Make a point to visit the booths of your target companies. This gives you a chance to learn more about their products, services, and culture while meeting key representatives.

5. Keep conversations neutral. If you are employed and want to keep your job search private, avoid overt discussions about job hunting. Instead, focus on discussing industry trends and mutual interests.

6. Use professional language. Even if you are overtly job-seeking, don't be too direct about your intentions – save that for the post-show follow-up. Focus first on making a good first impression and convey you have done your homework.

7. Stay positive. Always speak positively about your current role and employer. This demonstrates professionalism and leaves a good impression.

8. Initial follow-up. After the event, follow up with the contacts you made with a simple thank-you email or LinkedIn message to keep you on their radar for future opportunities.

About the Author

Ryan Joseph

Ryan Joseph is the VP of Security and Public Safety Technology Recruiting at Recruit Group, specializing in operations, sales, and sales leadership from Entry Level to the C-Level. Mention this article and receive a free 30-minute hiring consultation. [email protected] - (954) 278-8286