Net Gain Business Consultants: America's Privacy Threatened by New AICPA Fingerprint Database

May 8, 2008

ANCHORAGE, Alaska , May 8 /PRNewswire/ -- The AICPA is allowing a foreign data-mining corporation access to tens-of-thousands of US fingerprints, and Anchorage -based Net Gain Business Consultants is leading a national movement to stop them. "Haven't we surrendered enough privacy? This illogical, unnecessary, and un-American obsession with collecting fingerprints of innocent people is just wrong. Accountants should NOT take the CPA exam until this new, risky Orwellian program is shut down," says its President Jason Giaimo .

For the first time in 121 years, the venerable AICPA is forcing examinees to submit fingerprints "for identification purposes" -- or be forever barred from the CPA exam regardless of identification presented. One candidate showed his passport, license, SScard -- even a birth certificate.... but was prevented from testing due to "insufficient identification." Passports are sufficient identification to travel the world and enter the USA -- but not to take the CPA exam?

"This seems like 'security theatre' notes world-renown biometrics expert Dr. James Wayman , Director of the National Biometrics Test Center. These systems are notoriously prone to false negatives -- "I personally know someone who washed their hands during an exam break, and wasn't recognized by the scanner due to the new moisture state of their fingers... this experience would not be uncommon, it's hard to understand the business case for this." National ACLU Director Barry Steinhardt is monitoring developments, stating ominously "Fingerprinting enables the Always On Surveillance Society."

Executives at The Institute of Management Accountants, who offer an alternative to the CPA (the CMA) have rejected fingerprinting candidates. "This vendor approached us too, but we concluded it was expensive, unnecessary and risky to our member's privacy."

NASBA officials say data-broker Choicepoint is storing the fingerprints -- the same company hit with the largest fine in Federal Trade Commission history ($15m) for "making false and misleading statements about privacy policies, violating privacy rights and Federal laws." ChoicePoint sold highly confidential information of over 163,000 Americans to Nigerian criminal gangs -- and recently announced its being acquired by foreign data-miner ReedElsevier.

The AICPA/NASBA have agreed to review their fingerprinting program during its meeting May 19th . Mr. Giaimo urges action: "America -- this puts us ALL at risk... call AICPA President Barry Melancon (212) 596-6001 or visit to comment.... the Land of The Free is counting on you!"

Net Gain is an independent accounting firm providing clients with Interim Controllers/CFOs and accounting project assistance. Contact Jason Giaimo (907)248-4910

SOURCE Net Gain Business Consultants

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