TUCSON , Ariz., Feb. 26, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- The Miniature Air Launched Decoy, a Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) state-of-the-art, low-cost, modular air- launched programmable flight vehicle, successfully completed government and Raytheon seamless verification team flight testing Jan. 11 . This sets the stage for the MALD(TM) to enter low rate initial production (LRIP) later this year.
The testing, which began in June 2007 , put the MALD through a series of flight profiles including jettison and powered flight tests from both F-16 and B-52 aircraft. The MALD, which weighs less than 300 pounds and has a range of approximately 500 nautical miles (about 575 statute miles), succeeded in 33 of 35 tests.
"Completion of this flight testing brings the versatile MALD platform one step closer to becoming a staple in the warfighter's arsenal," said Harry Schulte , vice president of Raytheon Missile Systems' Strike product line. "MALD is more than just a decoy -- we designed it with modularity in mind to evolve as the warfighter's needs evolve. We're ready to get the MALD to LRIP."
Raytheon Company, with 2007 sales of
SOURCE Raytheon Company