USENIX Security Symposium

Aug. 14, 2013 - Aug. 16, 2013

The Symposium will span three days, with a technical program including:
• Wednesday Keynote Address by Edward W. Felten, Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, and Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs, Princeton University; former Chief Technologist, U.S. Federal Trade Commission: "Dr. Felten Goes To Washington: Lessons from 18 Months in Government"
• Thursday Keynote Address by Andy Ozment, Senior Director for Cybersecurity, White House: "The White House's Priorities for Cybersecurity"
• Thursday Invited Talk by Jim Adler, former VP Data Systems & Chief Privacy Officer, Intelius; currently VP Products at big data (stealth) startup: "Confessions of a "recovering" Data Broker: Responsible Innovation in the Age of Big Data, Big Brother, and the Coming Skynet Terminators
• Friday Invited Talk by Chris Evans, Google Chrome Security Team: Learn about their different approach and structure to traditional security teams. They will freely share details in the hope that progressive organizations will be interested in adopting some of the same tactics.
• Over 40 refereed papers covering the latest research including topics such as network security, large-scale systems security, mobile security, cryptology, hardware and embedded security, Web security, and much more
• Workshops will precede the symposium on August 12 and 13.

Flex Point Security / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
From night watchmen with minimal training to highly skilled professionals equipped with advanced technology, the role of security guards has evolved dramatically over the past 50 years.
AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty Images
Aligning cybersecurity with business goals enhances resilience and minimizes disruptions by reducing the attack surface.