PSA Security Network Names New Communications Coordinator
PSA Security Network is pleased to announce the addition of Sarah Seibert as communications coordinator. In her new role, Seibert will develop the PSA® public relations program as well as assist with all marketing-related functions. Prior to the hire of Seibert, the publicity duties were outsourced.
"Bringing the public relations program in-house is a smart move for PSA," says Seibert. "With the complexities of the security industry, it is important to have someone with inside knowledge working to promote the members and goals of PSA."
Sarah is a 2003 graduate of Colorado State University where she received a BA in Technical Journalism with an emphasis on Public Relations. Prior to joining PSA, Seibert was a marketing consultant for Encompass Marketing and Public Relations. Her responsibilities included developing and implementing complete communication plans, including marketing and public relations, for a variety of clients in a wide-range of industries.
"The skill set Sarah possesses is an exact fit for the goal of broadening and strengthening our public relations and marketing program," says Tracey Hups, director of marketing and customer relations. "The previous experience she brings to the table gives PSA the edge we need in an ever-changing marketplace and we are thrilled she has come on board."
"The opportunity offered me by PSA to develop an entire public relations program from the ground up is a challenge I am eager to undertake," says Seibert. "I am excited to be a part of such a well-respected company and feel this is a perfect fit for both PSA and me."