ASIS Puts CSO Guideline up for Comment

Oct. 22, 2007
2004 guideline for security executives up for review for 60 days

ASIS International's Commission on Standards and Guidelines announced today that it has put its Chief Security Officer Guideline up for public comment.

The ASIS CSO Guideline, which was first published in 2004, will be available for 60 days in a review and comment period, following a process that allows for all ASIS guidelines to be review every third year. If needed, the guideline will be changed after the review period.

To get involved in the review of this guideline, the public can to, and navigate to the Guidelines section, where the existing guideline can be downloaded. Comments can also be submitted via the "Guidelines" portion of the ASIS website, and all comments on the CSO Guideline will need to be sent in by Dec. 21, 2007.

According to ASIS International, "The CSO Guideline serves as a model for organizations to use when developing a leadership position having the responsibility to develop, influence and direct an organization-wide protection strategy. It applies to private and public sectors, both of which must continually evaluate and respond to the constantly increasing and changing risks facing organizations worldwide. Included is information about the position's scope, reporting relationships and the job's key responsibilities and accountabilities. The guideline also identifies the core competencies necessary for the successful CSO, as well as recommendations regarding experience and education requirements."

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