ASR Enterprises and NFS Communications Receive TOA President's Challenge Award

April 27, 2006
Winners received all-expenses paid trip for two to Napa Valley

South San Francisco, CA — TOA Electronics, Inc. presented the 2005 President’s Challenge Award to ASR Enterprises of Downingtown, PA and NFS Communications Inc. of Suffern, NY during their Security Products National Sales Meeting at the 2006 ISC West Expo in Las Vegas. ASR Enterprises and NFS Communications received this award for their outstanding CCTV and Security Intercom sales achievements during 2005.

The prize for this esteemed award includes an all-expenses paid trip for two to the famous, scenic Napa Valley region in California. Hosted by Mr. Hisayuki Okuoka, President of TOA Electronics, this trip will take place the last weekend of April.

“Both ASR Enterprises and NFS Communications put forth a great deal of effort to help us promote our new Security Products Division last year. I’m honored to present them with this award,” stated Mr. Hisayuki Okuoka.

For information on TOA’s complete line of products, visit

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