Insider Intelligence: It is Time to Make a Change

Feb. 12, 2021
The stage was set in 2020 as we learned to be flexible and open to you should take action
Anthony Berticelli is VP of Operations for PSA Security Network. To request more information about PSA, visit
Anthony Berticelli is VP of Operations for PSA Security Network. To request more information about PSA, visit

This article originally appeared in the February 2021 issue of Security Business magazine. When sharing, don’t forget to mention @SecBusinessMag on Twitter and Security Business magazine on LinkedIn.

I will assume that many of you, like me, are happy to put 2020 in the rearview; in fact, I can no longer count on all my digits the number of times I’ve heard the “hindsight is 2020” joke. But as we look back at the past year, perhaps there are some positives we can take from it as we push forward into 2021. The last year has forced us to adapt, be flexible, think creatively, and most importantly, consider change.

In terms of changing and adapting to something new, 2020 didn’t really give us the option to say no. But going forward, should we stop the momentum of change or should we use this as a springboard to embrace it and drive forward to new things we thought were unattainable? Arguably, the hardest part of change is making the initial leap off the cliff. Well, we were shoved off that cliff whether we liked it or not – so now that we are in the water, should we keep swimming?

I think we should. I think we need to turn this time of change into a positive opportunity and run with it. Our teams and our companies have learned to be flexible and adaptable. Many have learned to conduct their business in a way they never thought possible. Much of the difficulty of shifting business priorities lies in the ability of our teams to quickly adapt to new methods and perhaps more importantly, new measures of success. Well, we all have a year of practice under our belts.

What is the change you have wanted to make in your business? Is it a new approach to sales? Picking up or changing product lines you carry? Diving into managed services, cybersecurity, or emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence? Maybe it is implementing a new corporate structure or strategy. No matter what it is for you, my advice is to start the process.

Take part in educational events this spring and summer, such as PSA TEC, and challenge yourself to focus on the content and business areas you may have previously passed on. Learn from the experts and your peers who have done it already. Start the discussions with vendors and partners to learn how to get involved.

This approach should apply to your teams as well. Sales teams are becoming online meeting experts! Use resources such as Vector Firm’s online Sales Academy to train your teams on how to sell in a new way or to learn the managed services approach. Participate in webinars and peer exchanges to arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can to make quick and impactful decisions.

Change is hard. Change or die.

Both statements are true, but 2020 has made it a little easier not only for us to change but also for our teams to embrace it. When we get back to a sense of normalcy, you should ask yourself- did my company spend its time in quarantine eating ice cream, or running on the treadmill?

When it comes down to it, we need to lead our teams by example. Challenge your company to emerge from this in better shape and be ready to show that you have taken this as an opportunity to lead your teams into the “new normal” that awaits us – there is no better time than the present.

Anthony Berticelli is VP of Operations for PSA Security Network. To request more information about PSA, visit