Seeing security entrances through the lens of ROSI

July 1, 2024
Moving beyond the abstract idea of risk mitigation, ROSI helps build a compelling case for solutions that add tangible value to a wide range of business operations.

When we talk about ROSI (Return on Security Investment), we’re usually in the realm of cybersecurity. Yet, this concept is just as transformative when applied to physical security, reshaping how we view and understand the value of investments in security solutions.

Moving beyond the abstract idea of risk mitigation, ROSI helps build a compelling case for solutions that add tangible value to a wide range of business operations.

Security entrances are a prime example of this shift. They do more than just prevent unauthorized entry — they offer significant returns that ripple across an organization. From energy efficiency to compliance and a host of other impacts, security entrances must be viewed through ‘ROSI-colored glasses’.

Unlocking Value with Advanced Security Entrances

Ensuring robust security at entry points is essential, but inefficient entryways can compromise overall security and increase operational costs. For security executives and integrators, it’s crucial to understand how advanced entry solutions impact both security and business efficiency.

Think about optical turnstiles and access gates. These tools manage the flow of people in high-traffic areas while providing a visual deterrent to unauthorized entry. High-security revolving doors and mantrap portals take it a step further. Integrated with biometric devices, they ensure that only authorized personnel gain access, bolstering security infrastructure.

By adopting these technologies, businesses and organizations can reduce the need for constant staff supervision and lower the risk of physical security breaches.

For industry professionals, embracing these solutions not only strengthens security but also delivers measurable ROI. Investing in advanced entryway solutions is a smart move that showcases a commitment to innovation and efficiency, helping end users enhance their bottom line.

Maximizing Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a major advantage of modern security doors, offering benefits that go far beyond security. With up to 50% of total energy loss in well-insulated buildings occurring through doors and windows, security entrances offer an “always open, always closed” solution that provides superior air filtration and minimizes energy waste.

For integrators, recommending and installing these systems presents a compelling opportunity. Security entrances and revolving doors not only enhance security but also support overall business operations and scalable building management. By driving higher ROSI for end users, these systems prove their worth.

2006 study by MIT confirmed that revolving doors significantly reduce air infiltration compared to standard doors, leading to substantial CO2 emission reductions. By implementing these advanced entrances, businesses can lower their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint, making revolving doors a smart choice for those focused on sustainability and long-term savings.

Optimizing Labor

Achieving efficient labor allocation is a game-changer. Rather than employing multiple guards to secure entrances, organizations can now rely on unmanned security solutions that operate 24/7.

These advanced secured entrance systems tackle common security breaches such as tailgating and piggybacking, where unauthorized individuals slip in behind someone with valid credentials or collude to use one authorized pass. By identifying and denying these attempts in real time, security entrances ensure a higher level of protection.

The beauty of this technology is that it eliminates the need for constant alarms and a heavy security presence. Features like dual-factor portals equipped with facial recognition add an extra layer of verification, ensuring that only the right people gain access. This continuous, reliable protection allows businesses to reallocate security resources and reduce labor costs without compromising safety.

 Boosting Loss Prevention

 Security entrances not only deter theft but also ensure proper screening of visitors and employees. However, with a myriad of entry solutions, sensors and AI video analytics available, selecting the right combination of technologies can be daunting.

The goal is to narrowly define threat avenues, akin to IT professionals using honeypots by pinpointing areas where shrinkage can and can’t occur.

Consider the security strategy for a typical facility. At the perimeter or the parking lot, two-way full-height turnstiles equipped with access control, tailgating and piggybacking prevention, intercom, video monitoring, and an adjacent ADA pedestrian gate set the first line of defense.

Moving inside, employees divest personal belongings into lockers and proceed through metal detectors attached to one-way inbound full-height turnstiles, which include access control and weapons detection screening.

One-way, outbound full-height turnstiles facilitate secure exits from the screening area to lockers and then out of the facility. Implementing this type of comprehensive security entrance strategy significantly reduces the risk of theft and enhances overall security, ensuring a controlled environment.

Ensuring Compliance

Secured entry solutions are more than just a compliance checkbox: they’re a frontline defense against hefty fines and penalties. When building entrances are well-secured, end-users meet certifications and pass audits, while also protecting themselves from significant financial risks.

Consider the electric utility industry, where compliance with NERC CIP standards is critical. One utility faced a staggering $1.7 million fine after inspectors found perimeter doors intentionally left unlocked for convenience. This incident shows how seemingly minor oversights can lead to massive penalties and highlights the importance of strict physical security controls.

In healthcare, HIPAA regulations demand rigorous protection of patient health information, including controlling physical access. Breaches can result in fines of up to $50,000 per violation and even jail time for deliberate violations. Robust secured entry solutions are essential for preventing unauthorized access and ensuring compliance.

Decoding ROSI for End Users

Investing in secured entry solutions isn’t just about compliance — it’s about seeing real returns across the board. These systems save on energy costs, boost compliance, prevent losses, and mitigate risks by deterring unauthorized entry. Plus, they cut down on the need for constant manpower, providing a solid payback on the investment.

Your role in communicating the value of these security measures is crucial. By highlighting the ROI of advanced security entrances, you can help end-users make informed decisions that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and strengthen overall security.

This approach not only showcases the tangible benefits of these solutions but also establishes you as a trusted partner dedicated to your client's success.

About the Author

Greg Schreiber | Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Greg Schreiber has been with the company a total of 23 years and currently is the senior vice president of sales and marketing. Greg’s career spans over 28 years in the security entrance and door industry in a variety of sales management roles, including national sales manager from 2007-2012, vice president of sales from 2013-2016 and most recently his current role as senior vice president of sales and marketing. Since 2013, Greg has successfully steered the North American and global accounts sales teams to produce double-digit sales growth. A native of Pittsburgh, Greg graduated from the University of Toledo with a degree in Business Administration and currently lives in Venetia, Pa.