It has been a tradition at Security Technology Executive magazine over the last 28 years to rely on trusted advisors to help steer the editorial direction of the publication, and in general, provide expertise where it was needed, either in print, online or conference. I have had the good fortune to be blessed with industry gurus and mentors who have helped me learn and appreciate the dynamics of security and risk and how each relates to organizational survival and stability.

As we publish our first magazine of 2018 I wanted to introduce our new Editorial Advisory Board. The seven new members join our foundation advisors and regular contributors Ray Bernard and Ray Coulombe. This new Board will help set the course of what you see in the magazine this year through 2019. The security industry is evolving not only from a technology perspective but through compliance and regulatory restriction as well. Our team of consultants, engineers and end users will help the STE editorial staff create a technology and management roadmap for topics that will ensure our audience is equipped to meet all challenges.

It is with great appreciation and pride we introduce the 2018 STE Editorial Advisory Board:

Benjamin Butchko is the President/ CEO of Butchko Inc., a consulting firm out of Cypress, TX that specializes in operations/risk assessments, master planning, and system design. He is a past chairman of the ASIS Physical Security Council and a former security engineer with ExxonMobil, and also spent almost 5 years as a senior member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories

Jerry "Dutch” Forstater has been involved with law enforcement, public safety systems design and security management for thirty-five years.  He founded Professional Systems Engineering, LLC (PSE) in 1986 and is Managing Partner, focusing on technology design and consulting for government, justice, law enforcement, schools, and cultural institutions. He is a Professional Engineer in 14 States, NICET certified in both fire alarm and fire protection and is currently an ASIS Board Certified Physical Security Professional.

Bob Hayes has been the Managing Director of the Security Executive Council for the past 15 years. The SEC is the only research-based security organization committed to successful security leaders and programs in his former life, Bob was the CSO for Georgia Pacific Corp. and Manager of Security Operations for 3M Corp. Bob has degrees from Florida International University, Michigan State and Montana State University.

Mike Howard is the CSO for Microsoft Corporation, holds global responsibility for vital security functions including; operations, investigations, risk mitigation, crisis management, executive protection, security technology, strategy, intelligence, and employee awareness. Mike led the development of Microsoft’s interconnected Global Security Operations Centers (GSOCs), which oversee Global Security monitoring and response, which have become well known in the security field as a leading model for conducting operations globally. He is currently leading the transition to Virtual Security Operation Centers (VSOCs), leveraging cloud and mobility. Mike spent 22 years with the Central Intelligence Agency, finishing as Chief of Station, the agency’s highest field position.

Billy Langenstein has spent two years with SMG at U.S. Bank Stadium as the Director of Event Services. He is specifically, responsible for security, public safety and emergency preparedness, medical services, transportation, guest experience and event oversight. Working closely with the Minnesota Vikings, MSFA, and the entire community, and was on the team securing this past year’s NFL Super Bowl. He spent five seasons with the Washington Nationals as the Director of Event Operations.

Jeffrey A. Slotnick‏, CPP, PSP, is President at Setracon Enterprise Security Risk Management Services in Seattle. Jeff is a fixture in the industry, lending his expertise to myriad events. His consultancy, Sentracon, manages large scope projects and enjoys a reputation as a firm focused on excellence of product and service. The firm concentrates on organizational resiliency, data management, audits, and assessments. For more than 18 years they have been considered subject matter experts in several industry standard risk assessment methodologies providing security expertise for industrial, governmental, transit, and law enforcement agencies.  

Paul Timm, PSP, is Vice President of Facility Engineering Associates. He is the author of School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program and is a nationally acclaimed expert in physical security. In addition to conducting numerous vulnerability assessments and his frequent keynote addresses, Paul is an experienced Crisis Assistance Team volunteer through the National Organization for Victims Assistance (NOVA). He is certified in Vulnerability Assessment Methodology (VAM) through Sandia National Laboratories and the ALPHAÔ vulnerability assessment methodology. He is also a member of ASIS International’s School Safety & Security Council.

Welcome to the STE team!

About the Author

Steve Lasky | Editorial Director, Editor-in-Chief/Security Technology Executive

Steve Lasky is Editorial Director of the Endeavor Business Media Security Group, which includes, as well as Security Business, Security Technology Executive, and Locksmith Ledger magazines. He is also the host of the SecurityDNA podcast series. Reach him at [email protected].