California Alarm Association (CAA) Spring Convention goes virtual

The California Alarm Association (CAA) Spring Convention scheduled for May 13-16, 2020 in Palm Springs, has been converted to a virtual conference. The conference will include industry updates, product and service workshops, and reports on the association’s activities in education, legislation and public safety. The CAA Spring Virtual Conference will be held May 14-15, 2020 on the ZOOM platform and will be offered at no charge to all CAA members.
“The CAA Board of Directors determined that scheduling a physical gathering at this time would be impossible based on the restriction to movement and travel initiated by the State of California and local authorities,” said CAA Presdient Tim Westphal of Bay Alarm. “Our ability to gather as an association in a virtual platform will provide an opportunity to share information on the programs we operate.” Reports on government relations, education, public safety and legal will be presented. A complete schedule of the program will be issued soon.
Sponsorships will be available for the webinars with recognition online. Packages, including the CAA Winter Convention & Tribute Dinner will be available. The packages include CAA sponsored webinars and e-blasts, as well as exhibit table, attendee fees and tribute and attendee book ads at the CAA Winter Convention at The Fairmont in San Francisco December 2-5, 2020. All exhibitors will be listed on the CAA Virtual Exhibit Hall and may list their own webinars at the CAA Virtual Training Calendar.
“This is an exciting and innovative program forced by our circumstances,“ said CAA Associate Chair Tim Tracy of Resideo. “The mission of the CAA is to promote the professionalism and wellness of our industry, and this program allows us to share information and expertise with our members”
The CAA is a state trade association with members representing the leading installers, integrators and suppliers of products and service for the electronic security industry. For information, visit or call 800-437-7658.
Staff Reports
Editorial and news reports authored by the media team from Cygnus Security Media, including, Security Technology Executive magazine and Security Dealer & Integrator (SD&I) magazine.