Northland Controls opens new headquarters

June 8, 2017
New Milpitas headquarters is the direct result of the rapid growth experienced by integration firm

Milpitas, CA—Northland Controls, a global security systems integrator and managed services provider to the world’s top high-tech and financial institutions, opened a new headquarters space. In the past decade, the company has grown from $1 million in revenue to almost $70 million with locations all around the world.

“Our new Milpitas headquarters is the direct result of the rapid growth we’ve been experiencing and part of our deep roots in the tech sector,” says CEO Pierre Trapanese. “With the expansion to Milpitas, our first-of-its-kind outsourced global security operations center can expand in our existing Fremont location to accommodate growing client demand.”

The company had 10 employees in 2005 and has more than 200 now with offices in Fremont, Washington DC, London, Shanghai, Singapore, and Bangalore. “While the rapid growth brings its own set of business challenges, the new headquarters positions us well to handle our anticipated future growth without compromising the do-whatever-it-takes style of customer care we’re known for,” says COO and President, Paul Thomas.

The new headquarters is located at 1533 California Circle, Milpitas, CA 95035. The Fremont location is at 44150 S. Grimmer Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538.

About Northland Controls:

Driven by a Do Whatever It Takes philosophy, Northland Controls designs, installs, manages and harmonizes physical security systems across the world. The company has successfully executed thousands of projects for the world’s most demanding organizations—especially those grappling with rapid growth. The company has two offices in the Silicon Valley, as well as offices in London, Shanghai, Singapore, and Washington, DC.

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