STE In This Issue - Dec 12th, 2023
STE In This Issue | View online
December 12, 2023

Your NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2023 issue of Security Technology Executive is now available online. VIEW >>


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It is hard to believe that this is the last issue of Security Technology Executive magazine for 2023. As we look forward to the new year, we hope it brings peace and resolution to the world’s troubled spots and the promise of democracy preserved and protected at home and abroad. The challenges global organizations face is staggering when you consider many are facing threats from cyber criminals, political terrorists and potentially destructive AI technology.

This month STE examines several of these issues, but our lead spotlight focuses on the annual Vanguard Award winners. Our top story deals with security strategies for small business agricultural threats, while the two honorable mention projects feature solutions for protecting vulnerable urban charitable organizations and safeguarding students at a large city university.

Shifting to a global spotlight, other topics illustrate the diversity of risks faced by security management in diverse sectors. We examine the challenges of today's private security guard forces, along with how security managers can ensure they keep pace with organizational change by enabling physical security strategies that are holistic. When it comes to cybersecurity, we highlight a comprehensive review of best practices to mitigate risk across converged information and operational technologies, in addition to examining how AI is changing business through new platforms like ChatGPT.

Our entire staff at STE wishes all our readers a wonderful holiday and the prospects of a healthy and safe 2024!


Steve Lasky, Editorial Director

Best practices to help secure Converged Information Technology and Operational Technology Networks
Deploying a holistic planning approach in conjunction with conducting comprehensive assessments is crucial to mitigating risk
AI is changing the way businesses are secured around the world
China’s vast reach into the technology marketplace creates a significant operational security concern for U.S. companies
Private security forces may be more needed than ever as public police departments struggle with recruitment, retirements, high costs for wages and equipment and anti-police sentiment.
As threats against American agricultural targets increase, farming operations like Olson Seed Service are turning to technology to defend against theft, cybersecurity and even espionage
Catholic Charities’ Caritas Center keeps its residents safe with the help of a security management and access control system
Biometric-enabled ID cards prove the be the missing link to student access and safety at the university
Each year at the Securing New Ground (SNG) conference in New York, the Security Industry Association (SIA) hosts a compelling panel discussion detailing the results of its annual Megatrends research survey. SIA asked hundreds of executives from SIA member companies what factors were shaping their business decisions and what trends they were watching...
Q:        I've just been promoted and now I'm in charge of our Workplace Violence Prevention program, something I’m not familiar with. I’ve been asked to evaluate its effectiveness. How do I proceed?A:        Your first step is to quickly familiarize yourself with the subject so...
Organizations need to take a strategic and seamless approach to mitigating expanding fraud risks
Our universities and colleges are haunted. The are haunted by the ghosts of critical thinking, tolerance, debate, reason and diversity of opinion. Ghosts are dead and I can make an argument that critical thinking in our colleges and universities is dead or dying. In the last few decades, our institutions of higher learning have become bastions...
Retirement means I have been able to resume the pursuit of the most annoying personal sport ever: golf. What makes golf so annoying? Your opponent. If you play tennis or pickleball, the person on the other side of the net may be inexperienced or just having a bad day. In that case, you may come out the big winner irrespective of your personal skills...
Collaboration and coordination are two actions crucial to stakeholders when implementing the PASS Guidelines,
Having a solid metrics program to provide meaningful insight into the function and its performance

The Feb/March 2024 issue of STE will spotlight both physical and cybersecurity threats and solutions in the healthcare sector. Other top topics will include:

  • AI
  • Leveraging Digital Twins
  • Mobile Security Technology
  • Modernizing Access Control
  • Blending IT & Physical Security
  • My Guard the Robot
  • 5G & IoT Devices
Steve Lasky
Editorial Director, Editor-in-Chief/Security Technology Executive
(847) 454 2719