DSC207 Embassy vehicle barricade system

Sept. 7, 2011
ISC West 2014 Booth #17133

Delta Scientific, the leading manufacturer of counterterrorist vehicle control systems used in the United States and internationally, today announced the successful full scale crash test and product release of Delta’s new DSC207 Embassy vehicle barricade system.  The new Embassy barricade is a fully enclosed, shallow foundation wedge barricade with covered front and sides.  In a full scale crash test conducted by an independent test lab, the DSC207 met the criteria for an M50/K12 rating.  A 15,000 pound (6800 kg) truck impacting at 50 mph (80 km/h) was stopped dead in its tracks with zero penetration and no foundation damage.  It features a small footprint, a new programmable drive system and is extremely serviceable.

“Created to U.S. Department of State specifications, the new DSC207 Embassy barricade combines the best aspects of our original crash-certified barricade developed for embassies, the TT207, and Delta’s flagship product, the DSC501,” explains Greg Hamm, Delta Scientific vice president of sales and marketing.  “These barricades are used in hundreds of embassies and consulates of the United States, the United Kingdom and other nations.  With the new DSC207, they and other organizations can now have a crash-certified barricade that is very undemanding to service.”

The new Embassy barricade provides foundation space in which maintenance personnel can easily work.  There is space for heaters and sump pumps.  Access is available from either the top plate or front.  The barricade can also be galvanized.  Its small footprint increases the numbers of locations in which it can be used.

Available with Delta’s new programmable drive system (PDS), the barricade can be electronically powered with an internal limit switch and multiple voltage input.  The motor speed control can be programmed to control the barricade so that it operates quickly at first but, at the end of the stroke, slows down so that it does not slam, eliminating wear and noise.  Guard operation is with touch screen control via hardwire, networked or fiber optics.

More information is available at www.deltascientific.com.  

About Delta Scientific

Delta Scientific Corporation is the leading manufacturer of vehicle access control equipment with over 260,000 square feet of production facilities in Palmdale, Calif.  Delta's three product lines consist of high-security vehicle barricade systems, parking control equipment and guard booths.  Delta Scientific has been engineering and manufacturing vehicle access control equipment since 1974 and sells its products worldwide. 

Corporate headquarters, equipment sales, systems engineering and technical service are located at 40355 Delta Lane, Palmdale, Calif. 93551.  Phone is (661) 575-1100. Website is www.deltascientific.com.  Product installation and maintenance services are provided through Delta's Fredericksburg, Va. office.  

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