Electric Guard Dog 30 Series Fence from AMAROK

March 11, 2025
ISC West 2025 Booth 5116: Stands 10 feet tall with 30 electrical wires and 7,000 volts of pulsed electricity.

AMAROK's Electric Guard Dog 30 Series Fence is a powerful and intimidating barrier that stops crime before it happens. Standing 10-feet tall with 30 electrical wires and 7,000 volts of pulsed electricity, our full-perimeter, solar-powered electric fence delivers peace of mind to you – and a rude awakening to would-be thieves. Deter criminals and protect your assets with three powerful layers of defense in one — an intimidating barrier, a medically-safe, but memorable shocking deterrent, and alarms and lights. Our solutions have been proven to prevent 99% of external theft for our customers.

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