Magos AR-300 Drone Detection Radar

March 10, 2025
ISC West 2025 Booth 23116: Leverages advanced AI classification technology to distinguish drones from birds.

Magos introduces the AR-300 Drone Detection Radar, a cutting-edge solution for drone threat detection and tracking. Designed for optimal performance at close range, the AR-300 leverages Magos' advanced AI classification technology to distinguish drones from birds, reducing false alarms. Offering detection ranges exceeding 300 meters, it provides 360° airspace coverage with a four-radar and PTZ camera setup, ensuring comprehensive coverage. With its open architecture, the AR-300 seamlessly integrates with existing security infrastructure and counter-drone measures. Featuring low power consumption and robust performance in all conditions, it provides a cost-effective, high-precision solution for securing airspace against unauthorized drone activity.

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