Garrett Metal Detectors

Garland, TX 75042


About Garrett Metal Detectors


1881 West State Street
Garland, TX 75042
(972) 494-6151
(800) 234-6151

More Info on Garrett Metal Detectors

Manufactures and designs metal detectors. Provides security training in metal detection. Official supplier of metal detectors for the 2002 Winter Olympic games and the U.S. Olympic team.

Products and Press Releases

School Security

Garrett installs more than 160 Paragons in Memphis schools

July 1, 2024
Paragon is the first of Garrett's walkthroughs to come with 4 distinct screening programs specialized for school applications.
Garrett Metal Detectors Paragon
Sensors & Detectors - Miscellaneous

Garrett Metal Detectors taking orders for Paragon detector

July 24, 2023
The company describes Paragon as a culmination of forty years of security achievement in the world of walk-through metal detection, paving the way for more exciting developments...
Csi Pro With Shadow 10760858
Metal Detection

Garrett’s CSI Pro

Sept. 10, 2012
Garland, Texas — Garrett Metal Detectors, an international manufacturer of security screening products, announces the release of the new Garrett CSI Pro™ metal detector. This ...
Superscanner V Color 10655522
Metal Detection

Hand-Held Metal Detector from Garrett Metal Detectors

March 13, 2012
Super Scanner V hand-held security metal detector
Garrett Metal 10216278
Threat Detection, Imaging & Inspection


Oct. 8, 2009
Garrett Metal Detectors' CSI PRO-POINTER is a hand-held pinpointing metal detector that can precisely and rapidly pinpoint buried and hidden metallic objects, weapons and evidence...

Articles & News

(Photo courtesy Axis Communications)
Axis cameras keep watch over the players and spectators at the 2014 Little League World Series.
Access Control

State-of-the-art security tech safeguards the Little League World Series

Aug. 21, 2014
Combination of video surveillance, access control solutions protect players, spectators
(Photo courtesy
Effective school security plans are ones that keep students off balance or guessing as to what security professionals have in store to protect K-12 campuses.

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