ASIS announces 2022 board appointments, new regional boards of directors

Alexandria, VA (2 December 2021) — ASIS International, the world’s largest association for security management professionals, today announced the full slate for its 2022 Global Board of Directors and inaugural North American Regional Board of Directors and European Regional Board of Directors. 2022 global and regional directors will take office 1 January 2022.
Cy A. Oatridge, CPP, of the United States has been selected to serve as Secretary/Treasurer of the Global Board in 2022, joining President Malcolm C. Smith, CPP, of Qatar; President-Elect Timothy M. McCreight, CPP, of Canada; and CEO Peter J. O’Neil, FASAE, CAE, on the Global Board’s Executive Committee.
Continuing as At Large Directors on 2022’s Global Board are Pablo Colombres, CPP, of Brazil; Joe M. Olivarez, Jr., of the United States; Axel Petri of Germany; M. Brian Reid, CPP, of the United States; Chiko Scozzafava of the United States; and Eddie Sorrells, CPP, PCI, PSP, of the United States.
Serving as ex-officio representatives to the 2022 Global Board are leaders from various ASIS volunteer groups, namely:
- Scott A. Lowther, CPP, PCI, of Canada, representing the CSO Center Board (voting member)
- Brian J. Allen, CPP, of the United States, representing the ASIS Foundation Board of Trustees (voting member)
- Werner J. Cooreman, CPP, PSP, of Belgium, representing the Professional Standards Board (non-voting member)
- Joseph Lee Rector, CPP, PCI, PSP, of the United States, representing the Professional Certification Board (non-voting member)
The seating of ASIS International’s first regional boards is the next major step in the association’s transition to a global governance structure that allows ASIS to better serve its members at the local, regional, and global levels.
North American Regional Board of Directors
- Chair: Donna M. Kobzaruk, USA
- Vice Chair: Mark J. Folmer, CPP, Canada
- Secretary/Treasurer: Craig S. Russell, CPP, USA
- Maria G. Dominguez, CPP, USA
- Richard L. Duncan, CPP, USA
- Marti Katsiaras, PSP, Canada
- Rachelle Loyear, USA
- Loye A. Manning, CPP, PSP, USA
- Leonard Moss, Jr., CPP, USA
- Susan E. Munn, CPP, Canada
- Jason M. Sikora, CPP, USA
- Jeffrey A. Slotnick, CPP, PSP, USA
European Regional Board of Directors
- Chair: Erik de Vries, CPP, PSP, The Netherlands
- Vice Chair: Stephanie M. Bergouignan, CPP, France
- Secretary/Treasurer: Torsten Wolf, CPP, Switzerland
- Christina Alexander Alexandropoulou, Greece
- Samuele Caruso, CPP, Italy
- Radek Havlis, CPP, Czech Republic
- Glenn Cornelis Schoen, The Netherlands
- Andrew Williams, CPP, United Kingdom
Kobzaruk and de Vries, the chairs of each regional board, will serve on the ASIS Global Board of Directors.
The members of the new regional boards were selected in two stages: half of each regional board’s members were appointed by the ASIS Global Board, and the other half submitted their candidacy and were selected by a nominating committee comprised of the 2021 ASIS Global Board Nominating Committee and select volunteers from each region. These volunteers will form full Regional Board Nominating Committees for their regions beginning in 2022.
Global Board of Directors Nominating Committee
- Chair: Godfried Hendriks, CPP
- Pablo Colombres, CPP
- Werner J. Cooreman, CPP, PSP
- Melissa A. (Bostick) Mack, CPP
North American Nominating Committee
- Jason Caissie, CPP, PCI, PSP
- Lisa Pryse Terry, CPP
- Robert E. Johnson, Jr., CPP
European Nominating Committee
- Eric Davoine, CPP
- Russell Penny, CPP
- Feride Yildirim
Hendriks, 2020 President of the ASIS Global Board, will be succeeded as chair of the Global Board Nominating Committee in 2022 by 2021 Global Board President John A. Petruzzi, Jr., CPP.
In 2023 and beyond, ASIS will establish regional boards to support members in every region around the globe. When fully implemented, each regional board will assume a seat on the Global Board.
To learn more about the ASIS global governance initiative and 2022 Global Board of Directors, visit