NC4 Risk Center

Sept. 4, 2017
GSX 2019 Booth #1753

NC4 Risk Center is recognized as the leader in providing real-time, early warning and predictive intelligence of risks that could threaten critical infrastructure, cause business disruption or affect employee health and safety. Also, Risk Center provides real time tracking of travelers around the world to keep travelers safe and to satisfy Duty of Care concerns.

The enhancements being introduced to the Risk Center solution include:

  • A fresh responsive design that works anywhere and on any device
  • An enhanced Situation Map with a brand-new interface for viewing NC4’s industry leading real-time incident reports and global intelligence
  • Enriched situational awareness content including map layers for interactive weather radar, active wildfire perimeters and more
  • ActivWeather™ has been enhanced to include a comprehensive collection of National Weather Service advisories, watches, warnings and other information for real-time alerting as well as visualization on the Situation Map in context with your registered asset locations
  • ActivMobile™ is available as an Add-in, enabling access to NC4 incident details and road, satellite and street map views within your e-mail. ActivMobile has also been enhanced with a new responsive design optimized for mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android and more.

About NC4

NC4 delivers safety and security solutions for both business and government organizations. We revolutionize how organizations and communities collect, manage, share and disseminate information to reduce cyber threats, fight crime, mitigate risks, and manage incidents. NC4 also provides cyber threat sharing solutions both through secure collaboration services and recently (via Soltra Edge), through automated, structured, and standardized (STIX/TAXII) mechanisms. NC4 solutions are used by private sector companies involved in financial services, high-tech, insurance, manufacturing, aerospace and defense, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, as well as other industries. In the public sector, NC4 solutions are used by federal, state and local agencies in homeland security, emergency management, and law enforcement disciplines. NC4 takes a comprehensive and integrated approach to safety and security by providing: cyber threat exchanges that drive the development of a sharing culture and circles of trust; global security and travel intelligence, analysis, traveler tracking, and relevant real time threat alerting to mitigate enterprise risks and a common operating picture for fighting crime and managing emergencies. For information about NC4, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-624-4999.

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