HILLSBORO, Ore. — February 8, 2017— SureID, Inc., the leading provider of trusted identity solutions, announced today the launch of the SureID Certified Edge TM vendor management solution, a way to transform how businesses prove identities and vet their third-party contractor, vendor and supplier populations that require digital and physical access. Featuring patented technology trusted by U.S. military bases for more than a decade to handle vendor access, SureID Certified Edge, available today, deploys similar processes to protect companies from fraudsters, cybercriminals and other malicious actors.
Vendor management presents a tremendous opportunity for SureID, Inc. to do what it does best: thoroughly identity proof and vet third-party vendors and contractors. The company’s success with the Department of Defense and its unique business model, where vendors rather than reliant organizations pay for the services, provides a compelling reason to choose the SureID Certified Edge solution.
“Nearly one-third of American adults have a criminal record. While smart companies already may effectively manage their own employees, smarter companies apply the same rigor to their entire human capital ecosystem, including third-party vendors and contractors,” commented CEO and founder of SureID, Inc., Steve Larson. “We know our technology works. It already protects America’s most sensitive data and armed forces every day; now it’s time to bring high-assurance identities to the private sector.”
A recent Ponemon Institute study examined the root cause of worldwide data breaches, and found that more than half of all breaches were caused by negligent employees and contractors or IT and business process failures. Those data breaches, no matter the culprit, can be costly, upwards of $400 billion globally each year. According to the San Diego-based Identity Theft Resource Center, data breaches alone affected more than 35 million Americans. Instituting a SureID Certified Edge vendor risk management solution provides an additional layer of security designed to help curtail this problem that continues to grow each year.
SureID Certified Edge
Contractors and vendors, from delivery and maintenance personnel to professional service providers and IT experts, often are granted access to the most sensitive parts of companies without any identity proofing or vetting. The SureID Certified Edge solution is a high-assurance, military-strength solution that helps mitigate these third-party risks. What sets the SureID Certified Edge solution apart from other programs is SureID, Inc’s patented managed service solution, which can be rolled out to vendor populations at no or minimal cost to the organization managing its third-party vendors. Vendor companies pay a one-time charge of only $29.95, with ongoing services of $4.95 per month. The product verifies each individual’s employment with the vendor company, conducts identity proofing, performs background screening and ongoing records monitoring, and provides credentialing.
SureID, Inc. has rolled out SureID Registration Stations (SRS) for identity management and fingerprint services at select locations in seven markets on the West Coast. Thousands of additional stations are being established at convenient locations across the country, creating the nation’s largest enrollment network.
The SureID Certified Edge solution is the latest addition to the SureID Certified family of products, joining the SureID Certified PIV-I™ solution. To learn more about the SureID Certified Edge solution, please download our white paper on “How to Mitigate Your Vendor Risk.”
About SureID, Inc.
SureID, Inc. (www.SureID.com) is the market leader in high-assurance identity solutions. The company creates end-to-end trusted identity programs offering full credential lifecycle management through the combination of registration, identity proofing, background screening, credentialing and identity authentication for government, private enterprise and individuals including contractors, vendors and other authorized personnel. SureID’s RAPIDGate® program provides an enterprise-wide, single-credential high assurance identity for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Army installations and the critical infrastructure sector across the country. Since 2014, millions of RAPIDGate credentials and more than 200,000 RAPIDGate Premier™ PIV-I credentials have been issued. Founded in November 2001, SureID is headquartered in Hillsboro, Ore., with offices in Minot, N.D., and Alexandria, Va.
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