Mission 500 launches M500 club to drive participation in new virtual events

Miami, FL (June 2, 2020) – Mission 500, a charitable non-profit organization engaging security professionals to assist families in crisis across the USA, is proud to announce the launch of its 2020 foundational fundraising campaign – the M500 Club. As the world has pivoted into a new sense of normalcy, Mission 500 is shifting its fundraising focus from live to virtual events, redirecting fundraising activities from corporate sponsorships to individuals with the goal of raising $500 each to support Mission 500 activities.
“The M500 Club is a new and exciting initiative designed to help Mission 500 continue with its charitable work during the pandemic by directly engaging individuals with virtual events,” said Kenneth Gould, Chairman Mission 500. “And we are looking to make this a fun and engaging experience for participants through a series of fun fund-raising events that we hope inspires people to participate and support.”
Qualifying M500 Club members will have bragging rights via social media and will receive a M500 Club jacket (what would a club be without jackets?). M500 Club will feature virtual 5k run/walks, cycling (spinning) events, talent shows, karaoke sing-offs, buzz and shaving challenges, basketball shooting contests… and more. Mission 500 also welcomes suggestions on events which we can add to our schedule.
Ronnie Pennington of Altronix individually raised $25,000 over the past 5 years and will be inducted as Mission 500’s first M500 Club member.
For more information on how to become a part of the M500 Club visit, https://www.firstgiving.com/event/mission500/The-500-Club-Fundraising-Platform