American Fibertek N-TAH Server Room Environmental Monitoring Solution

April 6, 2016
Protects recording equipment in difficult locations

Las Vegas, NV (April 6, 2016) – American Fibertek Inc. (afi) is introducing new solutions to provide Exacq users with peace of mind that their recorders will be protected in challenging environments. Their N-TAH Server Room Environmental Solutions monitor environmental conditions to detect potential problems that could affect recorder reliability.

“All too often, NVRs are installed in out-of-the-way locations where dust, heat, water pipes and other factors can create conditions that are challenging at best,” said Jack Fernandes, President and CEO of afi. “This creates a high potential for disruptions, which may not be noticed until security staff try to retrieve video of a specific occurrence, only to find that the recorder wasn’t operating at that time. By then, it’s too late.”

N-TAH Server Room Environmental Solutions monitor temperature, airflow and humidity, issuing warnings and alarms should any of these factors go outside of predetermined ranges. In addition to environmental protection, the solutions also monitor NVR operations to detect potential problems. Remote notifications of alarms can be sent via API, SNMP, TCP/IP or email to ensure that issues can be remediated in time to prevent disruptions or damage to the Exacq NVRs.

N-TAH Server Room Environmental Solutions include two contact inputs and two outputs, as well as two watchdog functions. For additional protection, users can purchase bundled solutions that include additional capabilities. The N-TAH-EB1 adds a water sensor to the basic N-TAH solution, and the N-TAH-EB2 includes both water sensor and rate of rise temperature detection to provide a 15º temperature increase per minute alarm function.

For more information, visit AFI in booth # 10072 at ISC West or visit the company’s new website at, call 877-234-7200 or e-mail

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