The Challenges of an Access Control Retrofit

Oct. 16, 2024
Unlock the secrets to a seamless access control retrofit in our upcoming webinar, where expert insights will guide you through overcoming interoperability issues, managing disruptions, and balancing costs. Discover how to enhance your security infrastructure efficiently, without compromising daily operations or data integrity.

October 16, 2024
1:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM CT / 10:00 AM PT / 6:00 PM GMT
Duration: 1 hour
A certificate of attendance will be offered.
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"The Challenges of an Access Control Retrofit," will provide you with practical insights and valuable perspectives on upgrading or retrofitting access control systems. Our security experts will address the unique challenges faced by organizations seeking to enhance their security infrastructure without disrupting daily operations. They will guide you through the process of evaluating existing systems, ensuring compatibility with new technologies, and managing the transition. As an attendee, you will gain valuable perspectives on overcoming common challenges such as interoperability issues, scalability concerns, and integration with emerging technologies. This webinar offers a unique opportunity to understand the intricacies of access control retrofits and learn best practices for a smooth and effective transition, empowering you with the knowledge to tackle these challenges head-on.  

What You Will Learn: 

  • Integration with Existing Systems: Ensuring seamless compatibility with legacy security infrastructure (CCTV, alarms, IT systems) can be complex, requiring custom configurations or middleware solutions. 
  • Downtime and Business Disruption: The installation process may disrupt daily operations, leading to downtime or limited access, affecting productivity and security. 
  • Cost and Budget Constraints: Upgrading access control systems can be expensive due to the costs of new hardware, software licenses, labor, and ongoing maintenance. 
  • Data Migration and Security: Transferring and securing access control data, such as user credentials, requires careful handling to prevent data loss or breaches during the transition. 
  • User Training and Adoption: Employees and administrators may need extensive training on the new system to ensure smooth operation and compliance with security policies. 


John Croce 
NVT Phybridge 

Mr. John Croce specializes in start-up businesses, successfully managing three companies from the ground up. As CEO of NVT Phybridge, John brings balance with his experience in management and finance. He is the founding partner of NVT Phybridge, and he has over two decades of experience dedicated to bringing practical, common-sense PoE innovations to the market. NVT Phybridge has enabled hundreds of Federal, State, and Local governments, as well as businesses of all sizes and types, to successfully protect infrastructure investments while modernizing to IP. 

John is proud of his company’s achievements, especially the latest milestone of collectively saving NVT Phybridge customers well over $200 million in unnecessary infrastructure costs while helping them improve their digital transformation return on investments. 

Moderator: Steve Lasky
Editorial Director

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