Lenel Systems International Inc

Pittsford, NY 14534


About Lenel Systems International Inc

Windows 2000/NT/XP-compatible solution


1050 Pittsford-Victor Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
(585) 246-9720

More Info on Lenel Systems International Inc

Lenel Logo 58f92f4cd30f0

Offers a Windows 2000/NT/XP-compatible solution featuring access control, alarm monitoring, digital video, asset tracking, credential production, and employee and visitor management functionality.

Products and Press Releases

Photo courtesy Altronix
Altronix LINQ dashboard.
Access Control Power Units & Controls

Altronix receives Lenel Factory Certification

Dec. 13, 2018
Altronix LINQ network power management solutions interface with Lenel’s OnGuard access control security system
LenelS2 5bb4c48de32d4
Access Control

UTC Climate, Controls & Security launches LenelS2

Company completes S2 acquisition and combines it with the Lenel Systems unit
(Photo courtesy Lenel)
Lenel has announced enhancements to its cloud-based BlueDiamond mobile credentialing solution – including the new Pathways feature - making door access faster and more convenient.
Access Control Mobile Apps

Lenel enhances BlueDiamond platform, announces pathways feature

Sept. 24, 2018
Readers add GPS capability, support legacy Casi-Rusco access control systems
lenel onguard 7 dot 5 5b9fc533b0fdb
Access Control Software & Management Systems

Lenel's OnGuard Version 7.5 Access Control Software

Sept. 17, 2018
New version delivers powerful enhancements to mobility, cybersecurity, unification and cloud compatibility
(Photo courtesy Lenel)
For the 20th consecutive year, Lenel will provide systems and services to help keep the iconic youth baseball event safe and secure for players, coaches, officials and fans.
Access & Identity

Lenel celebrates 20 years of securing the Little League World Series

Aug. 23, 2018
Players, coaches, officials, staff, and vendors leverage company’s OnGuard platform during event
(Photo courtesy Axis Communications)
Five leading manufacturers specializing in secure technologies, including Axis Communications, Milestone Systems, BriefCam, Lenel, and Ruckus, have teamed to provide safety and security at the 72nd Annual Little League Baseball® World Series (LLBWS) for the players, coaches and fans.
Video Surveillance

Multitude of vendors collaborate to bring greater security and connectivity to the 2018 Little League Baseball World Series

Aug. 23, 2018
Technology from Axis Communications, BriefCam, Lenel, Milestone and Ruckus used during 10-day tournament
(Image courtesy Lenel)
Lenel is making available LifeSafety Power’s ProWire Unified Power Systems for Lenel OnGuard-connected devices.
Access & Identity

Lenel introduces LifeSafety Power ProWire unified power solution for OnGuard-connected devices

May 31, 2018
Solution provides intelligent and networked functionality, snapshot of current power status across a facility
(Photo courtesy Lenel)
As the host of major national and international events, U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minn. counts on Lenel to provide advanced security systems that help protect fans attending some of the world’s leading sporting events and concerts.
Access & Identity

Lenel helps U.S. Bank Stadium secure epicenter of excitement

May 2, 2018
Customized systems integration strengthens security for large and small events
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Access Control Mobile Apps

Lenel's BlueDiamond Mobile Access Control App

April 17, 2018
Combines with BlueDiamond Bluetooth/RFID readers for cardless access control

Articles & News

Brian Coulombe is Principal and Director of Operations at DVS, a division of Ross & Baruzzini. Brian can be reached at bcoulombe@dvssecurity.com, through Linked in at www.linkedin.com/in/brian-coulombe, or on Twitter @DVS_RB.
Access Control

Tech Trends: The OSDP Awareness Campaign

Feb. 14, 2019
Support for the access control standard is growing among integrators, but there is still a ways to go
(Image courtesy bigstockphoto.com/dolgachov)
Situational awareness is an important element of organizational resilience, which most of today’s organizations are striving to achieve – yet our tools for establishing and maintaining situational awareness are still being designed for the most part per 20th century thinking and requirements.
Security Executives

Real words or buzzwords?: Situational Awareness - Part 6

Developing modern day situational awareness solutions requires moving beyond 20th century thinking
Ray Coulombe is Founder and Managing Director of SecuritySpecifiers and the CONSULT Technical Security Symposium. Email him at ray@SecuritySpecifiers.com, or contact him through LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/raycoulombe or follow him on Twitter: @RayCoulombe.
Information Security

Tech Trends: Lethal Injection

Sept. 13, 2017
SQLI attacks are gaining steam….are your clients protected?
Photo: iStock
Technology consumerization and cloud capabilities may be changing the decades-old perception that security systems integrators must be IT tech-savvy.
Information Security

Are Integrator IT Skills Overblown?

Technology consumerization and cloud capabilities may be changing the decades-old perception that security systems integrators must be IT tech-savvy
Ray Coulombe is Founder and Managing Director of SecuritySpecifiers and the CONSULT Technical Security Symposium. Email him at ray@SecuritySpecifiers.com, or contact him through LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/raycoulombe or follow him on Twitter: @RayCoulombe.
Video Surveillance

Tech Trends: ASIS 2016 Nuggets

Nov. 11, 2016
The trends and technologies that caught my eye in Orlando
(Photo courtesy Axis Communications)
Axis cameras keep watch over the players and spectators at the 2014 Little League World Series.
Access Control

State-of-the-art security tech safeguards the Little League World Series

Aug. 21, 2014
Combination of video surveillance, access control solutions protect players, spectators
'Our goal is to make this process as flexible and painless as possible,' says Tom Welham, vice president of access and video sales in the Americas for Lenel and Interlogix.
Access Control

Manufacturer 1-on-1: Lenel on the Legacy CASI Migration

Feb. 6, 2014
Get the strategy for Lenel’s VARs and end-users direct from the source
Dave Bhavesh 10930976
Integrated Security Management Systems & PSIM

The Cure for Security Inconsistency

May 15, 2013
Genzyme, a Sanofi company, may specialize in rare diseases, but its security team of Marvin Washington, Dave Kent and Bhavesh Patel has made integrating disparate systems their...
Lenel’s OnGuard system routes surveillance video from nearly 200 cameras at Boston’s Berklee College of Music.
Access Control Software & Management Systems

Success Story: Connected Campus

Aug. 2, 2012
An integrated security platform is instrumental to security at the Berklee College of Music
(Image courtesy IFSS)
IFSS' team of 30 employees deploys security, fire and IT infrastructure in the southeastern United States.
Access Control

Integrator Connection: Integrated Fire & Security Solutions Inc.

May 8, 2012
With new CEO Rob Hile at helm, security and IT VAR plans for regional growth

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All content from Lenel Systems International Inc

(Image courtesy Lenel)
Lenel’s OnGuard 7.4 works on multiple devices.
Access Control

Lenel OnGuard Version 7.4

March 28, 2018
OnGuard goes cloud and browser-based in its latest version
The OnGuard Monitor Client
Access Control Software & Management Systems

Lenel OnGuard version 7.4

Jan. 3, 2018
New monitor client provides alarm-management capabilities
(Photo courtesy Lenel and Interlogix)
Pictured (left to right): Jeff Stanek, GM, Lenel; Michael Janikas, Sr. Acct Exec, Convergint; Sean Flint, Senior VP, Convergint; Kelle Shanks, Sr. Acct Exec, Convergint; Darren Wieder, Business Development Mgr., Convergint; Jurgen Timperman, President, Global Security Products, UTC Climate, Controls & Security; Alex Housten, VP & GM, Global Security Products, North America.
Access & Identity

Lenel and Interlogix honor top dealers, VARs at 2017 Elevate Partner Summit

June 29, 2017
More than 450 attendees participated in the annual three-day event
Access & Identity

Lenel, Interlogix: Safeguarding people and places in a mobile world

April 5, 2017
Brands showcase latest in mobile solutions at ISC West
With the combination of Lenel’s OnGuard platform and Everbridge’s Safety Connection software, organizations will now be able to offer comprehensive security management on-premises and off-premises – to help protect and notify employees, contractors or visitors during critical incidents regardless of their location.
Emergency Communications Equipment

Lenel, Everbridge announce strategic alliance

March 9, 2017
The alliance will provide users with a more powerful solution to deliver critical communications
(Photo courtesy Lenel)
The OnGuard 7.3 platform delivers on convenience with support for the new Lenel BlueDiamond mobile ecosystem, which allows smart devices to be used as secure credentials. This provides a secure way to eliminate the cost and security concerns with plastic badges.
Integrated Security Management Systems & PSIM

Lenel OnGuard 7.3 security management platform

Jan. 5, 2017
The OnGuard 7.3 platform delivers on convenience with support for the new Lenel BlueDiamond mobile ecosystem
Alarms & Monitoring

Lenel, Interlogix showcase innovative, integrated security solutions for smart homes and buildings

April 8, 2016
Security technologies for residential, commercial and enterprise segments on display at ISC West