pdqSMART-XLS Wireless Networked Access Control

April 20, 2020
Lock/unlock from a smartphone from anywhere at any time

Lancaster, PA Technology is driving our world. Business owners and property managers demand more than security from Access Control. Convenience, Efficiency, ROI, Simplicity, and Affordability are must-have requirements. pdqSMART is THE business solution that delivers all this and more.

  • Mobile Centric - Lock/unlock from your Smartphone from anywhere at any time.
  • Six credential options; Smart phone, RFID, PIN Pad, smart remote, smart watch and even a key.
  • Cloud-hosted software with wireless mobile management.
  • Scalability for 1,000’s of devices and users.
  • Retrofits are simple; devices fit standard door prep.
  • Affordable; no hard wiring.
  • Over-The-Air firmware updates future-proof locks that will never be become obsolete.
  • Designed and assembled in the USA 

 For more information about pdqSMART-XLS, visit www.pdqsmartnetworked.com

About PDQ

PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. is bringing innovative door security and access control solutions to market that help people, businesses, schools, institutions, and multi-family/multi-tenant facilities stay safe and secure. Founded in 1983, based in Lancaster, PA, family-owned PDQ designs and manufactures high quality, built-to-last mechanical security and IoT access control products in the USA. Our pdqSMART offering is a mobile-enabled, encryption protected, cloud-hosted, Bluetooth wireless access control solution that makes life easy and convenient. Open an app on your smart phone, lock/unlock a door from anywhere in the world, at any time. pdqSMART is the only smart lock that makes access control simple with the seamless integration of software and mechanical lock products all from a single source. pdqSMART won the Innovation Award at the Electronic Security Association’s 2019 Expo. To learn more, visit www.pdqlocks.com.

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