Farpointe Data

Sunnyvale, CA 94089


About Farpointe Data


1376 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

More Info on Farpointe Data

Farpointe Dat 10215926

Since 2003, Farpointe Data has become the OEM’s global partner for premium RFID solutions, including proximity, smart card, long range and 2nd generation mobile smart phone solutions, for access control professionals around the world These specialists have come to count on Farpointe's exacting designs, superior manufacturing, competitive prices and excellent performance to enhance their access control systems. http://www.farpointedata.com

Products and Press Releases

Reader Units

Farpointe's Conekt Mobile Credentials/Readers

March 8, 2023
ideal for mobile ID migration
On display for attendees to use at the ISC Show from Farpointe Data will be a reader that combines BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) radio capability with support for 125 KHz proximity technology, Conekt compatible keyboard readers with PIN (Personal Identification Number) technology and an OEM Module supporting both BLE and 13.56 MHz contactless smartcard technology.
Access & Identity

Farpointe Data extending mobile access control platform

June 28, 2021
Company showing Conekt-compatible proximity and keypad/PIN readers at ISC West
Osd Pverified Hi
Access Control

Farpointe Data readers and credentials certified by SIA as OSDP-compliant

March 23, 2021
Open Supervised Device Protocol standard is recommended for higher level applications
Farpointe Data Conekt Big
Reader Units

Farpointe Data's CSR-35L smart card reader

Sept. 10, 2020
Compatible with Conekt mobile access
(Image courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe Data's new Auto-Unlock enhancement on its Conekt Wallet App for Apple iOS and iPhones (Version 1.2.0) can replace the current 10-second timing of the 'Tap Here to Unlock' button with a 30 second or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-minute response from a drop-down menu.
Access Control

Farpointe Data's ‘Auto-Unlock’ feature delivers flexible credential read timetables

April 29, 2020
CONEKT Wallet App for Apple iOS and iPhones lets consumer vary timing of mobile access control reads
Conekt mobile smart phone access control identification solution now integrates advantages that Apple iOS 12 delivers, such as 3-D touch, Widget and Auto-Unlock, into the Conekt Wallet App, version 1.1.0. All new improvements create increased user convenience.
Access Control Mobile Apps

Conekt mobile smart phone access control identification solution

May 1, 2019
Preserving security, improved features address Wallet App convenience
The following link will bring the reader directly to the form to get the code or the reader can use a smartphone to use the QR code - http://farpointedata.com/products/mac_sample_request_form.php.
Access Control Mobile Apps

Request a free mobile access credential

March 26, 2019
Simple click shows how easy it is to convert from cards to mobile access
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Secure Our City, Inc., an electronic security technology and low voltage design firm based in Ashland, Mass., was able to solve the problems that a parking garage used by a leading healthcare organization was having with standard 125-kHz proximity readers and credentials. By creating a new security system featuring cameras, access control and the Farpointe Ranger long range reading system, Secure Our City was able to make possible higher security access, such as double-tapping at the entrance, and provide the increased control the parking garage needed.
Access & Identity

Secure Our City, Inc. increases parking security with Farpointe long range reading solution

July 12, 2017
Parking garage used by Boston area healthcare organization required more control
(Image courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe Data, the access control industry's trusted global partner for RFID solutions, has just posted the first radio frequency identification(RFID) Cybersecurity Vulnerability Checklist for access control manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users to use to protect their access control systems from becoming hacker gateways to their facilities and IT systems.
Access & Identity

Farpointe provides first cybersecurity vulnerability checklist for contactless cards and readers

June 22, 2017
Checklist available for anyone to download on company's website
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe has introduced features such as potting all readers and options that can be added to the readers. The first is MAXSecure, which provides a higher-security handshake, or code, between the proximity or smart card, tag and reader to help ensure that readers will only accept information from specially coded credentials.
Access & Identity

Farpointe warns acccess control channel to suggest customers add anti-hacking measures

Feb. 22, 2017
FTC now insisting on cybersecurity protection, hacked access systems creating customer costs and embarrassments

Articles & News

Jon Polly is the Chief Solutions Officer for ProTecht Solutions Partners www.protechtsolutionspartners.com, a security consulting company focused on smart city surveillance. Connect with him on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jonpolly.
Access & Identity

Tech Trends: Mobile Access

June 10, 2022
Demand by college campuses, organizations looking to hire and retain top talent, and building property managers indicate the future is a mobile credential
The OSDP Product verification process has already been completed for three products from Wavelynx; three from Farpointe Data; and one from Cypress Integration. Products from Allegion, HID Global, Deister Electronics and Third Millennium are deep into the verification process.
Access Control

OSDP Takes the Next Big Step

Jan. 15, 2021
Updated version of the access control spec and growing list of verified products pave the way for widespread adoption
Ray Coulombe is Founder and Managing Director of SecuritySpecifiers and the CONSULT Technical Security Symposium. Reach him at ray@SecuritySpecifiers.com, through LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/raycoulombe or follow him on Twitter, @RayCoulombe.
Access Control

Tech Trends: OSDP Goes Mainstream

Oct. 9, 2020
Hear from the vendors who embrace it, and why integrators and consultants can help continue to push the ball forward
Lady At Door
Access Control

Cyber Vulnerability in Access Control

Sept. 11, 2020
Tips and tricks to keep your customers’ credential-based systems secure
Brian Coulombe is Principal and Director of Operations at DVS, a division of Ross & Baruzzini. Brian can be reached at bcoulombe@dvssecurity.com, through Linked in at www.linkedin.com/in/brian-coulombe, or on Twitter @DVS_RB.
Access Control

Tech Trends: The OSDP Awareness Campaign

Feb. 14, 2019
Support for the access control standard is growing among integrators, but there is still a ways to go
Mifare Des Fire Ev1
Access & Identity

Common Smart Card and Reader Standards

Dec. 13, 2018
A look at MIFARE DESFire EV1 and SIA's OSDP
Photo: KeyMe
Chances are you will find a KeyMe kiosk, which can now copy prox cards and fobs, in a retailer near you.
Cards & Tokens

Tech Trends: Prox Cloning Goes Mass Market

Nov. 9, 2018
The inherent weaknesses of proximity cards have created an opportunity for integrators
Photo: iStock
Encryption can help stop the hacking of card-based physical security systems
Access Control

Access Control Encryption 101

June 12, 2017
How to stop the hacking of card-based physical security systems
Many card/reader technologies have adopted the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) communication standard adopted by the Security Industry Association (SIA) that enables technologies from different vendors to interface easily each other.
Access Control

Contactless Cards and Readers Primer

Dec. 15, 2016
Use this guide to help your customers investigate their technology options
For long range access control, a receiver and transmitter will provide read ranges up to 200 feet.
Wireless Access Control Solutions

Access Control: Why Wireless?

Integrators that don’t understand wireless are at a major disadvantage

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All content from Farpointe Data

(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe Data recently announced that security system access control manufacturers, integrators and dealers can order proximity and smart card credentials with tactile laser engraving.
Access & Identity

Farpointe adds laser engraving option to access control credentials

Dec. 15, 2016
Laser engraving adds incremental branding opportunities and an extra level of security
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe Data's Pyramid P-640 proximity card reader with keypad, P-620 mullion style proximity card reader with keypad (pictured above) and Delta6.4 smart card reader with keypad meet the impending requirements for 2-factor authentication as described by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) federal guideline.
Access & Identity

Farpointe card/keypad readers already meet NIST SP 800-171 federal guideline

Nov. 30, 2016
Federal government contractors must meet new multi-factor authentication guideline by December 31, 2017
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe's new P620 mullion-sized combination proximity/keypad reader made installation much easier for Cameras Networking and Security of Vermont (CNSVT) of Barre, Vt., at the Morristown Fire and EMS building, also in Vermont.
Access & Identity

Farpointe's new mullion 2-factor keypad reader installed at Morristown, Vt. fire and EMS building

Nov. 9, 2016
Cameras Networking and Security of Vermont prefers easier installation of mullion size for proximity/keypad access control
The handheld reader combines a Farpointe card reader and a wireless Cypress Suprex Reader-Extender in one portable unit so that the user can perform reads at any place versus readers in only a fixed location.
Access Control

Farpointe partners with Cypress on wireless mobile, handheld card readers

Sept. 22, 2016
Handheld wireless mobile reader (WMR) system provides identity verification where fixed readers can't
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe Data recently announced that access control manufacturers, distributors and integrators can add the option of having the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP), a communication standard adopted by the Security Industry Association (SIA), to their Farpointe smart card readers.
Access & Identity

Farpointe introduces added interoperability to its smart card readers with OSDP standard

June 29, 2016
More consistency, heightened security and overall better integration among different manufacturers' devices
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
At ISC West 2016, Farpointe Data will be emphasizing how organizations can remove their card-based access control systems from becoming major targets for hackers to ultimately access Information Technology (IT) and Operation Technology (OT) systems.
Access & Identity

In tandem with new Connected Security Conference, Farpointe emphasizing anti-hacking readers at ISC West

March 21, 2016
With access control systems prime entry points to hacking IT and OT systems, company to stress protecting card-based systems
(Photo courtesy Farpointe Data)
Farpointe's new mullion keypad reader supports proximity card and tag technologies with an integrated keypad for 2-factor verification applications.
Reader Units

Farpointe Mullion Keypad Reader

Feb. 11, 2016
ISC West 2017 Booth #5071
As a certified partner, Farpointe Data’s Ranger Long-Range Readers and Transmitters integrate with AMAG’s Symmetry Access Control System. AMAG Technology and Farpointe Data cooperatively tested and certified this integration.
Access Control

Farpointe Data certifies its technology with AMAG's Symmetry Access Control

Feb. 4, 2016
Farpointe Data’s Ranger long-range readers and transmitters allow doors, gates or barriers to open or close up to 200 feet from the high-frequency credentials
Photo: iStock
A rapidly evolving healthcare access control market means integrators must change with the times
Access Control

Trends in Healthcare Access Control

Dec. 14, 2015
A rapidly evolving market means integrators must change with the times